Course Objectives
The objective of the Master in Informatics Engineering is to expand and complement training in the area of computer science, ensuring the qualification of professionals with engineering knowledge that will allow them to integrate teams that deal with the design, development and maintenance of computer systems in different areas, such as industry, services, telecommunications, among others. The Master has two areas of specialization, Software Engineering and Intelligent Data Analysis. The first addresses all issues related to the design, planning, development and management of software projects, while in the second specialization the focus is on acquiring skills that allow working throughout the storage / integration and data analysis lifecycle in a business environment.
In the second year, the Master includes a professional internship in an industry environment, in the context of one of ISEC’s partner companies, a project that can be either practical and experimental or developmental, or a scientific dissertation.
The Master classes occur during the week in post-work hours, allowing the strengthening of skills and the re-qualification of active professionals. The study programme is organized in two academic years, structured according to the guiding principles of Bologna, for a total of 120 ECTS.
Access Conditions
The conditions of access and admission are those defined in Article 17 of Law 65-2018 from 16 August 2018. Accordingly, candidates to the Master should be:
a) Holders of a bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent conferred by a higher education institution in the scientific area of informatics engineering or in related areas of science and technology;
b) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree, or legal equivalent, conferred after completing a 1st cycle of studies organized in accordance with the principles of Bologna, by a State adhering to this Process, in the scientific area of informatics engineering or in related areas of science and technology;
c) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognized by the ISEC Technical-Scientific Council as satisfying the objectives of a degree in the scientific area of informatics engineering or in related areas of science and technology;
d) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, which is recognized by the ISEC Technical-Scientific Council as attesting the capacity to carry out this study programme.
Professional Outlets
The area of Informatics Engineering is rapidly expanding, offering a variety of options with an abundance of jobs, as can be confirmed from the multiplicity of advertisements published by governmental, business and other organizations.
Graduates with this master’s degree have strong skills for a quick and full insertion in the job market in large software development, telecommunications and services, consulting, financial sector companies, among many others. They will be able to apply the knowledge acquired to solve new professional problems in the work environment, and they will be able to evaluate and apply the knowledge in the creation of innovative solutions. They will also be able to work and lead multidisciplinary teams.
In particular, the specialization in Software Engineering trains professionals qualified to integrate teams that work in the design, development and management of software projects. In turn, the specialization in Intelligent Data Analysis trains professionals with competence to integrate teams that work throughout the data analysis life cycle in a business environment. Training in this field combines skills in the field of data engineering and intelligent data analysis.
Learning Language
The language of instruction is Portuguese, and when foreign students are present, a bilingual Portuguese/English format can be assumed.
Learning Objectives
The curricular units are organized according to the principles of the Bologna process, aiming at the active participation of students in the learning process and with curricular contents structured according to key competences in the specific knowledge domains of the degree and also in engineering. Teaching is focused on development of a broad range of skills, where experimentation and practice play key roles. The curricular units promote the analysis and discussion of real case studies, participation in group work, as well as the realization and presentation of seminars, either by students or by industry experts. The Master has a strong emphasis on connecting to the industrial world, with the cooperation of the most relevant companies in the central region and also throughout the national territory. The aim of this approach is to train master students with strong skills in analyzing and designing solutions to real problems, reasoning, argumentation and decision-making skills, autonomous and group work and proficiency in the preparation of documentation and oral presentation.
At the end of the training, graduates will have advanced and specialized knowledge in one of the following areas: Software Engineering or Intelligent Data Analysis.
Access to Superior Studies
The qualification gives access to 3rd cycle degrees (PhD) for which the Informatics Engineering area is relevant.
Course Coordinators
Área de especialização em Análise Inteligente de Dados
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Data Warehousing | 61001055 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Machine Learning | 61001066 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Metodologias de Desenvolvimento de Software | 61001034 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão | 61001088 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Ambient Intelligence | 61001144 | 7.5 | 2nd S |
Análise de Dados | 61001100 | 7.5 | 2nd S |
Big Data | 61001133 | 7.5 | 2nd S |
Business Intelligence | 61001122 | 7.5 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Laboratório de Análise de Dados | 61001167 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Seminários Industriais | 61001178 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Dissertação | 61001204 | 45 | 2nd |
Estágio | 61001195 | 45 | 2nd |
Projeto | 61001189 | 45 | 2nd |
Área de especialização em Engenharia de Software
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Análise de Requisitos | 61001077 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Design e Arquitecturas de Software | 61001040 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Machine Learning | 61001066 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Metodologias de Desenvolvimento de Software | 61001034 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Ambient Intelligence | 61001144 | 7.5 | 2nd S |
Big Data | 61001133 | 7.5 | 2nd S |
Plataformas de Desenvolvimento | 61001099 | 7.5 | 2nd S |
Testes e Qualidade de Software | 61001111 | 7.5 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Projeto de Software | 61001156 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Seminários Industriais | 61001178 | 7.5 | 1st S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Dissertação | 61001204 | 45 | 2nd |
Estágio | 61001195 | 45 | 2nd |
Projeto | 61001189 | 45 | 2nd |