Course Objectives
Empower professionals to:
– Implement actions for sustainable development in social context and agricultural professions;
– Transfer advanced technological and scientific knowledge of Organic Farming;
– Develop experiments, research and teaching applied to the sector of Organic Farming;
– Develop the spirit of entrepreneurship;
– Plan and initiate an organic farm;
– Develop a conversion project for organic system;
– Promote research and innovation activities translated in implementing new procedures.
Access Conditions
Can apply to the master’s degree:
a) holders of Bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent, of courses in the areas of agricultural sciences, life sciences or related fields;
b) holders of a degree abroad in one of the areas referred to in a), or legal equivalent, given as following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna process by a member State to this process;
c) holders of a degree abroad, in the areas referred to in a), which is recognized by the technicalscientific Council as meeting the objectives of the Bachelor’s degree;
d) holders of a school curriculum, scientific or professional that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the technical scientific Council, which may include students who have not completed the course of study leading to the Bachelor’s degree, provided they fulfil the conditions for obtaining the degree until the end of the year.
Professional Outlets
Official services; Associations and Cooperatives; Enterprises for Housing, Equipment and agriculture and livestock products; Project and Consulting Offices; Technical and scientific support and advice to the farmer; ID & E Entities; Multidisciplinary teams for the design, implementation and management of projects of regional, national and international dimension.
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Learning Objectives
MAB gives knowledge in key scientific areas of livestock and agricultural production systems and mechanization, with strong knowledge of soil, its ecosystem and fertilization, with special focus on the sustainability of production systems, environment, animal welfare and human health, respecting the specific legislation. Applies the fundamental principles of the organic farming (OF); according to the OF technologies of agricultural production and livestock needs; mobilizes and fertilizes the soil in a consistent way with
microorganisms and soil physicochemical characteristics; integrates the productive systems in the natural areas; uses methods of improvement and appropriate production systems to natural resources and animal welfare; evaluates economic indicators; elaborates production and conversion project; produces food with safe and quality conscious of the impact on animal and human health. Has leadership ability, interpersonal communication, selfevaluation and innovation capacities.
Access to Superior Studies
Holders of a Master’s degree in organic farming may apply for a higher PhD study level.
Course Coordinators
Main Branch
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Crop Protection in Organic Farming | 10017588 | 6 | 1st S |
Methodologies in Organic Agricultural Production | 10017566 | 6 | 1st S |
Methodologies in Organic Animal Production | 10017540 | 6 | 1st S |
Organic Farming | 10017523 | 6 | 1st S |
Organic Matter Management and Fertilization | 10017602 | 6 | 1st S |
Animal Health Maintenance and Alternative Treatments | 10017641 | 6 | 2nd S |
Aromatic, Culinary and Medicinal Plants | 10017775 | 6 | 2nd S |
Genetic Resources Conservation | 10017687 | 6 | 2nd S |
Human Health and Nutrition | 10017624 | 6 | 2nd S |
Quality, Conservation and Transformation of organic Products | 10017665 | 6 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Analysis and Sustainability Indicators | 10017714 | 6 | 1st S |
Conversion and Optimization of Farm Enterprise | 10017797 | 6 | 1st S |
Ecology and Ecosystems Management | 10017731 | 6 | 1st S |
Marketing, Commercialization, Regulation and Certification | 10017758 | 6 | 1st S |
Research in Organic Farming | 10017810 | 6 | 1st S |
Professional Traineeship | 10017832 | 30 | 2nd S |