Course Objectives
This master’s degree aims to provide training in the framework of the philosophies and practices of accompaniment and socio-educational inclusion of individuals with special educational needs, focusing on cognitive and motor pathologies. The course takes place over 4 semesters, corresponding to 30 semester credits, for a total of 120 ECTS, of which 15 ECTS are related to Educational Sciences and 105 ECTS related to Special Education training.
In this sense the course aims to:
– Disclose and explain the philosophy of education of children with special educational needs in an inclusive school perspective.
– Develop intervention and mobilization skills of all educators, including parents, teachers / educators, technicians and community.
– Prepare for the adaptation and construction of observation and evaluation instruments capable of supporting the identification of special needs, particularly in the specific area of training.
– To qualify for the planning and implementation of appropriate curriculum adaptations to students’ needs and characteristics of educational institutions.
– To qualify for the reasoned application of specific intervention strategies, more particularly in the field of cognitive and motor problems.
Access Conditions
Access is in accordance with the 2nd Cycle of Studies Academic Regulation for IPC’s courses.
Professional Outlets
The course aims to qualify for the exercise of functions in the scope of Special Education in structures of educational scope, namely in schools, the teachers that at the date of entry in the master’s degree are professionalized in teaching and have at least 5 years of teaching service.
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Learning Objectives
At the end of the SC students should have achieved:
Assessment skills of the strengths and educational needs of the target population;
Skills of analysis and evaluation of intervention contexts;
Skills of fundamented definition of intervention proposals;
Technical and pedagogical skills to work directly with people with special educational needs;
Skills of articulation and cooperation with other resources and professionals to obtain an integrated response to the problems identified;
Skills for the insertion of educational activity under the Educational School Project;
Skills for colaborative intervention with the family and community;
Attitudinal skills for inclusive practices.
The specification of the learning objectives to be achieved by students , its operation and measuring the degree of greetings is provided in each of the courses programs that integrate the cycle of studies .
Access to Superior Studies
The Master Diploma in Special Education grants qualification to continue studies in a PhD Degree.
Course Coordinators
Specialization in Cognitive and Motor Disabilities
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Curriculum Theory | 20028025 | 5 | 1st S |
Early Intervention | 20038902 | 4 | 1st S |
Inclusive Education | 20038899 | 6 | 1st S |
Management and Behavioral Modification | 20038998 | 5 | 1st S |
Psychopathology Development | 20038913 | 5 | 1st S |
Research Methods in Education I | 20028036 | 5 | 1st S |
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems | 20038930 | 5 | 2nd S |
Congnitive and Motors Problems | 20039005 | 6 | 2nd S |
Funcional Curricula and Transition to the Job Market | 20038965 | 4 | 2nd S |
Research Methods in Education II | 20028047 | 5 | 2nd S |
Strategies for Assessment and Intervention in Problems of Motion and Cognition | 20039016 | 10 | 2nd S |