Specialized training in Special Education - specialization in Motion and Cognition

Course Objectives

The specialization course in Special Education aims to qualify for the exercise of functions of support, monitoring and socio-educational integration of individuals with special educational needs.

Access Conditions

Kindergarten Educators, Basic and Secondary Education Teachers, undergraduate, professionally recognized and who have, at the date of admission to the course, at least 5 years of teaching service [paragraph c) of no. 1 of article 5 and no. 2 of article 4 of the Decree Law No. 95/97 of April 23].

Professional Outlets

Not Applicable

Learning Language


Learning Objectives

1. reinforce the philosophy of education of children with special needs education in an inclusive school perspective.
2. Foster and develop teamwork skills.
3. Develop skills of intervention and mobilization of all educational agents, namely, parents, teachers / educators, technicians and community.
4. Train trainees to build, adapt and use observation and assessment tools to identify special educational needs in the specific field of training.
5. Provide skills to plan and implement curricular adaptations appropriate to the needs of students and the characteristics of school institutions.
6. Provide the knowledge and skills necessary for the informed application of specific intervention strategies in the field of specialization.

Access to Superior Studies

Not Applicable

Course Coordinators