Espaço Empresa Inauguration
In Diário de Coimbra de 20-11-2020

Global Connection
Online event to attract foreign investment promoted by Softext (Brazil)

10th PME Innovation Meeting
From Technology to Market: Overcoming the “Valley of Death” of Innovation

Europe 21-27: Portugal on the Horizon?
Strategies and Opportunities with the aim of encouraging reflection on Europe's strategy and innovation paths and discussing the impact on companies and higher education

Plural signs protocol with the Polytechnic of Coimbra
In Diário da Saúde Online de 03/07/2020

@GIR THROUGH THE TERRITORY | LOUSÃ | 15-02-2023 | 14h00
Current and future challenges of the Landscape Transformation Program

@GIR THROUGH THE TERRITORY | OLIVEIRA DO HOSPITAL | 06 to 10-03 (ESTGOH); 10-03 at 14h (ESTGOH); 11-03 at 17h (Cheese Festival); 23-03 at 14h (ANCOSE)
Contributions to Agrifood Innovation

@GIR THROUGH THE TERRITORY | 26-04-2023 | 16h00 - 18h00 | ISCAC - IPC
Shopify: The present and future of ecommerce

@GIR THROUGH THE TERRITORY | ARGANIL | 19-05-2023 (09h45 to 17h30) and 20-05-2023 (10h00 to 13h00)

@GIR THROUGH THE TERRITORY | PENELA | 17-11-2023 (10h00 to 16h00)

@GIR WITH ADAPTED SPORT | MORTÁGUA | 18-11-2023 (14h30 to 17h30)