Bachelor in Communication and Multimedia Design

Course Objectives

The Communication and Multimedia Design degree, following the specific nature of polytechnic education, aims at providing its graduates the tools for a competent and responsible exercise in the domain of multimedia contents, combining the skills acquired in the areas of computer science, visual arts, visual communication and audio. It also aims at a close connection with the surrounding institutions, at local and national levels, with multiple events, such as seminaries and workshops, and mainly through the realization of curricular internships in the last semester of the degree (in the scope of Multimedia Project).

Access Conditions

Access to the degree is granted through the following schemes:
a) National Access Application (for candidates with a course of secondary education or equivalent degree);
b) Special Regimes (for candidates who fulfill the conditions issued by Decree-Law no. 393-A/99, of October 2nd);
c) Special Applications (for candidates with “Provas 23” — assessment of competences for candidates over 23 years old –, high-school graduates, and candidates with Technological Specialization Courses — CET);
d) Change of Degree/Institution.

The specific tests required for access to the degree are one of the following:
* (10) Descriptive Geometry;
* (16) Mathematics;
* (18) Portuguese.

Professional Outlets

Career prospects include:
* Manager and producer in the fields of editing and graphic production, multimedia and audiovisual;
* Graphic and image production manager;
* Web designer and programmer;
* Computer and audiovisual media centers at the institutional level;
* Liberal professionals in the field of communication and multimedia design.

To know more statistical information about this course click here.

Learning Language


Learning Objectives

According to the curriculum of the degree, it is sought to achieve the following general objectives by the students:
a) Structuring the training through a scientific component combined with a technical component specialized in the fields of design, multimedia and audiovisual;
b) Relate to the importance of a multidisciplinary approach required in existing markets through the academic diversity of the faculty and the range of scientific areas that integrate the curricular units taught;
c) Promote the training of qualified professionals to work in teams of production and editing of sound and image, in units, centers and services in the areas of design, multimedia and audiovisual in an institutional framework, business, or even in a liberal regime;
d) Give preference to internships and/or multimedia projects by students in the area where they wish to carry out their professional activity in order to put into practice the skills acquired during the degree (and also to complement them);
e) Contribute to the mobility of students between national higher education institutions and the rest of the European Union (among others, as in Erasmus);
f) Support the formalization of working arrangements between ESEC and specialized companies in different areas of the degree in order to get to the students theoretical and practical and professional experience.

These objectives are mirrored both in terms of the classes that make up the degree, establishing individual goals and to identifying links with other classes, as to the proper degree level as a whole, by combining effectively key objectives of each class with skills that complement each other. The biggest example is the work is done in Multimedia Project, often in internship context, where students combine the learning of several curricular units and often different scientific areas.

Access to Superior Studies

The Diploma in Communication and Multimedia Design grants qualification to continue studies in a Master’s Degree.

Course Coordinators

Common Core

Curricular Year: 1
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Communication Theories 20042075 3 1st S
Graphic Design I 20042042 6 1st S
Photography Workshop I 20042058 3 1st S
Programming and Algorithm I 20042020 6 1st S
Psychology of Perception 20042086 3 1st S
User Interaction 20042031 3 1st S
Visual Culture 20042069 6 1st S
Digital Marketing 20042130 3 2nd S
Graphic Design II 20042113 6 2nd S
Interactive Technologies 20042102 3 2nd S
New Media Culture 20042159 6 2nd S
Photography Workshop II 20042124 3 2nd S
Programming and Algorithm II 20042097 6 2nd S
Sociology of Media 20042141 3 2nd S

Curricular Year: 2
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Digital Graphic Animation 21011056 6 1st S
Digital Video Production and Editing 20042201 6 1st S
Editorial Design 20042300 3 1st S
Multimedia Scriptwriting 20042322 6 1st S
Sound Laboratory I 20042212 3 1st S
Web Programming I 20042165 6 1st S
Digital Video Post-Production 20042277 3 2nd S
Multimedia Applications Development 20042240 6 2nd S
Multimedia Laboratory I 20042223 6 2nd S
Sound Laboratory II 20042288 6 2nd S
Typography 20042198 3 2nd S
Web Programming II 20042234 6 2nd S

Curricular Year: 3
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
3D Animation 21011067 3 1st S
Communications Law in the Digital Era 20042311 3 1st S
Database Fundamentals 20042299 6 1st S
Multimedia Laboratory II 20042333 6 1st S
Project Management Methodologies 20042344 6 1st S
Videoart Workshop 21011078 6 1st S
Multimedia Project 21011089 30 2nd S