Postgraduate Course in Digital Pathology

Course Objectives

Digital pathology plays an essential role in modern clinical practice and is increasingly a technological requirement within the laboratory context. Advances in computing, faster networks, and cheaper storage have made it possible to image digital slides more easily and flexibly than in the past decade. In the last two decades, digital imaging in pathology has enabled whole slide imaging (WSI), which allows slides to be permanently photographed and stored at high resolution. In particular, whole slide imaging (WSI) serves as an enabling platform for the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in digital pathology. The synergy of artificial intelligence and digital pathology offers diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities based on algorithms. The integration of digital slides into the pathology workflow, advanced algorithms, and computer-aided diagnostic techniques allow you to push the boundaries of vision beyond a microscopic slide and allow for true utilization and integration of knowledge beyond human limits. In this context, the focus on training health professionals and those involved in clinical practice allows the implementation of recent advances in image diagnosis based on digital slides, along with some challenges and opportunities for artificial intelligence in digital pathology.

Access Conditions

Researchers and holders of higher academic degree training in the areas of Clinical Analysis and Public Health, Pathological Anatomy, Cytology and Thanatology, Biomedical Laboratory Sciences and Medicine, or possession of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, recognized by the Technical Council Scientific at ESTeSC, attesting the ability to carry out the course.

Learning Language


Course Coordinators

Main Branch

Curricular Year: 1
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Image Analysis 41001736 7.5 Annual S
Implementation of Digital Pathology 41001719 7.5 Annual S
Introduction to Digital Pathology and Artificial Intelligence 41001693 5 Annual S
Regulatory Requirements and Validations 41001747 2.5 Annual S
Technology Basics 41001708 2.5 Annual S
Workflow and Best Practices 41001725 5 Annual S