Master in Marketing and International Business

Course Objectives

The Master in Marketing and International Business aims to ensure an advanced professional specialization in the field of marketing and business countries. The aim of an in-depth theoretical training, combined with a strong practical component, is to provide the master’s degree with a qualified professional training. The teaching part of the specialization in marketing and international business aims to give the student a multidisciplinar of the course (marketing and international business), facilitating the performance of duties of a professional of marketing in the nationally and internationally corporate context. The MSc in Marketing and International Business is primarily intended for graduates in marketing, management, economics, and other related fields. However, apply for other graduates from the social sciences and humanities who wish to develop specific skills and competences in marketing and business countries.

Access Conditions

You can apply for a master’s degree: a) Holders of the degree of licenciado or legal equivalent conferred by a national higher education institution, preferably in marketing, management, economics, and other related areas, being able to apply for other graduates of the social and human sciences areas that wish to develop capacities and skills in the areas. b) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree, awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna process by a State adhering to this process, preferably in marketing, management, economics, and other related areas, and other graduates from social and human sciences who wish to develop skills and competences in the areas may apply. c) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree, which is recognized by the Technical-Scientific Council of ISCAC, as meeting the objectives of the licenciado degree; d) Holders of a school, scientific or professional curriculum, which is recognized by the ISCAC Technical-Scientific Council, attesting to the ability to carry out this cycle of studies.

Professional Outlets

They will have the new masters of a training that will prepare them to assume prominent positions in the field of marketing in multinational companies and in other organizations also involved in international business, being endowed with the necessary skills that allow them to embrace successful professional careers in various sectors. The training in Marketing and International Business allows several professional exits in the area of communication, branding and marketing. By way of illustration, mention is made of marketing consulting, social media management, e-commerce management, web marketing management, brand management, advertising, public relations, market research and international marketing.

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Learning Language

Portuguese Language.

Learning Objectives

– To provide the acquisition of a solid theoretical training and the ability to apply that knowledge.
– To promote the application of information and communication technologies in the context of marketing and international business, to find new customers, make a correct management of relationships, ensure the customers’ satisfaction and keep them
– To promote the practical application of theoretical knowledge, particularly in the fields of management and negotiation strategy
-Students should acquire the necessary skills to develop and implement an internationalization plan in a company
-Students must adquire the skills to operationalize one product policy, pricing, distribution and communication in the national and international market
– Students should be able to assess the country risk in the various areas, among others, political, cultural, economic and social, to minimize the failure in the choice of target markets process.

Access to Superior Studies

A Master’s degree allows entry into the 3rd cycle of studies leading to PhD degree

Course Coordinators

Tronco comum

Curricular Year: 1
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Commercial Management in Internacional Marketing 50010918 5 1st S
Country Risk Analysis 50010929 5 1st S
Data Exploratory Analysis 50010224 5 1st S
Digital Marketing 50010946 5 1st S
Marketing InternacionalMarketing Internacional 50010935 5 1st S
Strategy and Competiveness 50010817 5 1st S
Brand Management 50010960 5 2nd S
Consumer Behavior Analysis 50010954 5 2nd S
Database Marketing 50010982 5 2nd S
Marketing Research 50010894 5 2nd S
New Trends in Marketing and Internacional Business 50010971 5 2nd S
Opção - 1º ano, 2º sem Mestrado MNI
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Change Management and Coaching 50011000 5 2nd S
Financial Analysis and Management 50009666 5 2nd S
Leadership and Team Management 50010993 5 2nd S

Curricular Year: 2
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Dissertation 50009161 60 Annual
Project 50009578 60 Annual
Training and Report 50009238 60 Annual