Country of Origin

Where do you come from?

Candidates must demonstrate knowledge in the subjects of the specific tests considered indispensable for admission to the course(s) they are applying for, according to what is required for the general regime for access and admission to Portuguese public higher education.

They will have to prove this by documentary evidence or examination and this demonstration may vary depending on the country of origin of the candidates.

Check below how you can prove your qualification for your chosen course.



Access through ENEM – Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (National High School Exam)

IPC recognises ENEM as an entrance exam, provided it meets the following requirements:

– Date of completion within the four calendar years preceding that of the application;

– Overall average score above 500;

– Notes specifically required for each degree .


Access without ENEM – Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (National High School Exam)

If it is not possible to access via ENEM (because it does not fulfil the three requirements or it does not exist), there are two alternatives for applying:

– Through the equivalence of syllabuses:

It is necessary to present the High School Leaving Certificate (or equivalent) and a document (issued by the school/official education services) containing the syllabus of the subjects corresponding to the entrance examinations required for the degree to which one intends to apply for; NOTE: the mere academic transcript is not enough, it is necessary to list all the subjects that have been taught in the subject(s) that serve as entrance examinations. This document will be analysed by the selection board to assess whether or not there is equivalence of contents/knowledge. If there is equivalence, the candidate does not need to take any other test;


Through Examination to be held at the Polytechnic University of Coimbra (examination held in Portugal, at the School that teaches the course, in the subject(s) required for the specific course and on a date set in the Competition calendar).






Candidates from Angola can apply in two ways:

– Through the equivalence of syllabuses:

It is necessary to present the school-leaving certificate (or equivalent) and a document (issued by the school/official education services) containing the syllabus of the subjects corresponding to the entrance examinations required for admission to the degree programme to which one intends to apply for; NOTE: the mere school-leaving certificate is not enough, it is necessary to list all the subjects that were taught in the subject(s) that serve as entrance examinations between the 10th and 12th grade. This document will be analysed by the competition jury to assess whether or not there is equivalence of contents/knowledge. If there is equivalence, the candidate does not need to take any other test;


Through Examination to be held at the Polytechnic University of Coimbra (examination held in Portugal, at the School that teaches the course, in the subject(s) required for the specific course and on a date set in the Competition calendar).


Cape Verde, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe


Candidates from Cape Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe may apply provided they meet the following requirements:

– Certificate of Qualifications of 12th Class (or equivalent access title) proving the approval in Secondary Education;

– The Qualifications Certificate must show that they have passed the subjects required for the specific course.

If the Qualifications Certificate does not contain the approval in the subject(s) required for the chosen course, the candidates may take the entrance examination of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (examination held in Portugal, in the School that teaches the course, in the subject(s) required for the course in question and on a date set in the Competition calendar).

Other countries


International applicants can apply in two ways:

– Through the equivalence of syllabuses:

It is necessary to present the Secondary Education Conclusion Certificate (or equivalent) and a document (issued by the school/official education services) containing the syllabus of the subjects corresponding to the entrance examinations required for the degree to which one intends to apply for; NOTE: the mere academic transcript is not enough, it is necessary to list all the subjects that were taught in the subject(s) that serve as entrance examinations for secondary education. This document will be analysed by the selection board to assess whether or not there is equivalence of contents/knowledge. If there is equivalence, the candidate does not need to take any other test;


– Through Examination to be held at the Polytechnic University of Coimbra (examination held in Portugal, at the School that teaches the course, in the subject(s) required for the specific course and on a date set in the Competition calendar).