The Management Board is composed of five members:
– The President of the PUC, who presides;
– A Vice-President, appointed by the President of the PUC;
– The PUC Administrator;
– Two Presidents of the PUC’s teaching organic units, appointed by the President, on the proposal of their peers.
The remaining Presidents of the organic units, a student representative and a non-teaching staff representative are invited to participate, without the right to vote, in the Management Board meetings.
The student representative is proposed by the Student Associations and the non-teaching staff representative is proposed by the non-teaching staff.
Members of the Management Board:
– President of the PUC – Professor Jorge Conde
– Vice-President of the PUC – Professor Ana Ferreira
– PUC Administrator – Dr. Sandra Matos
– President of ESEC – Professor Rui Antunes
– President of ESTGOH – Professor Vera Cunha
– President of ESAC – Professor Rui Amaro
– President of ESTeSC – Professor Graciano Paulo
– President of ISCAC – Professor Alexandre Silva
– President of ISEC – Professor Mário Velindro
– Director of the Institute of Applied Research (I2A) – Professor Marta Henriques
– Student Representative – Daniel Silvestre
– Representative of non-teaching staff – Dr. Sandra Simões
Under the terms of the law and these statutes, the Management Board is responsible for the administrative, patrimonial and financial management of the institution, as well as the management of human resources, and the legislation in force for public bodies with administrative autonomy applies to it.
The Management Board is also responsible for setting fees and charges.
The Management Board must delegate to the specific bodies of the organic units and to the managers of the presidency services all the powers considered necessary for more efficient management.
In schools that are not in the installation phase, the administrative and human resources management of the school is the responsibility of its president.
In schools with financial autonomy, financial management is the responsibility of their administrative board.
In the case of schools that do not have financial autonomy, the school’s administrative board is given the power to: authorise the fulfillment and payment of operating expenses up to the limit set out in the activity plan and budget approved by the General Council for that school; manage the school’s own collected revenues; manage budgets relating to projects and service provision for which that school is responsible.
The Presidents of the schools periodically present to the President of the PUC the information, maps and reports that allow for effective monitoring of financial execution and an assessment of the budgetary needs of each organic unit, reflected in the preparation of reports, memoranda and periodic opinions to be assessed by the General Council and the Management Council.