General Council

The PUC General Council is composed of thirty-five members.

The members of the general council are:

  • Eighteen representatives of teachers and researchers;
  • Six student representatives;
  • Ten external individuals of recognized merit, not belonging to the institution, with relevant knowledge and experience;
  • One representative of non-teaching staff.

Members of the General Council

Individuals external to the institution

Andreia Filipa Dias
Artur Jorge dos Santos Mateus
Bruno José Antunes da Fonseca
Carlos Filipe Lima Preces Ferreira – Presidente
Duarte Nuno Vieira
Francisco Bendrau Sarmento
Margarida Maria Varanda Pereira de Oliveira Diogo
Maria do Carmo Martins
Paulo Jorge Teixeira Figueiredo Mota
Pedro Miguel Freitas Santos

Representatives of teachers and researchers

Ana Lúcia Baltazar dos Santos (ESTeSC)
Cândida Maria dos Santos Pereira Malça (ISEC)
Carla Margarida Saraiva de Oliveira Henriques (ISCAC)
Cristina Isabel Cabral Galhano (ESAC)
Fernanda Madureira Coutinho (ISEC)
Helder Gonçalves Fernandes dos Santos (ESTeSC)
José Pedro Cerdeira Coelho e Silva (ESEC)
Luis Manuel Ferreira Roseiro (ISEC)
Maria Fernanda Ferreira Antunes (ESEC)
Maria Elisabete Duarte Neves (ISCAC)
Mário Jorge Sacramento dos Santos (ISCAC)
Nuno Alexandre Cid Martins (ISEC)
Nuno Manuel dos Santos Carvalho (ESEC)
Pedro Miguel Pina de Jesus (ESTGOH)
Rui Manuel Machado da Costa (ESAC)
Rui Manuel Sousa Mendes (ESEC)
Rui Miguel Monteiro Soles Gonçalves (ESTeSC)
Susete Teresa Gaspar do Fetal (ISEC)

Student representatives

Diogo Sousa Machado (ISCAC)
Hugo Miguel Ferreira Figueiredo (ISEC)
Jani Neto Dimas (ESAC)
Leonor Lopes de Brito (ISEC)
Mafalda Braga da Cruz Freixo Pinto (ESEC)
Patrícia Isabel Gouveia Vieira (ESTeSC)

Representative of non-teaching staff

Sandra Marina Ferreira Martins Duvergé (SC)

The General Council is responsible for

  • Electing its president, by absolute majority, from among the external members;
  • Approving its regulation;
  • Approving changes to the statutes, in accordance with the law;
  • Organizing the election procedure and elect the president, in accordance with the law, the statutes and the applicable regulations;
  • Assessing the actions of the president and the board of directors, as well as the presidents, directors and administrative boards of the organic units;
  • Proposing the initiatives that it considers necessary for the proper functioning of the institution;
  • Performing other functions provided for by law or by the statutes.


Upon proposal by the President, the General Council is also responsible for:

  • Approving the medium-term strategic plans and the action plan for the four-year term of the president;
  • Approving the institution’s general guidelines in scientific, pedagogical, financial and patrimonial terms;
  • Approving the creation, transformation or extinction of organic units or subunits;
  • Approving the annual activity plans and assess the annual report on the institution’s activities;
  • Approving the budget proposal;
  • Approving the consolidated annual accounts, accompanied by the opinion of the sole auditor;
  • Setting the tuition fees owed by students;
  • Proposing or authorize, as provided by law, the acquisition or disposal of the institution’s real estate assets, as well as credit operations;
  • Approving the PUC student disciplinary status;
  • Approving the protocol standards applied in PUC academic ceremonies;
  • Pronouncing on other matters presented by the president.