Bachelor in Computer Engineering

Course Objectives

The bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering aims to endow students with the knowledge and skills required by an engineer of computer science. This way, they will be able to design, develop, implement, maintain, manage and ensure the quality of informatic systems.

According with the acquired skills, the study cycle comprises the following activities and career opportunities:
– Design, development and maintenance of software;
– Design, installation and maintenance of IT systems and networks;
– Information systems management;
– Software project management;
– Training and education.

Other general objectives of the study cycle are:
– Develop skills which will support the autonomous learning through life;
– Foster the ability to communicate orally and in writing, in order to express ideas with clarity and precision;
– Develop leadership skills and teamwork;
– Encourage entrepreneurship and innovation.

Access Conditions

The main access is through the National Higher Education Admission (CNAES), which presents the following entry examinations:
One of the following sets:
– 16 Mathematics; or
– 16 Mathematics and 02 Biology and Geology; or
– 16 Mathematics and 07 Physics and Chemistry.

Formula for calculating the entry classification:
– Classification of secondary education – 65%;
– Classification of entry exams – 35%.

The other accesses are via special admissions, such as M23 or holders of CET diplomas or CTeSPs obtained at the institution.

Professional Outlets

The graduates in Computer Engineering have a solid background that allows them to operate in various fields of information technology, systems development or communication networks, both in the private (business) and public sector.

Some of the main functions that can be performed are: Database Administrator; Systems Analyst; Software engineer; Web Applications Engineer; Multimedia Engineer; Project Manager of Software Engineering; Consultant in Information Systems / Information Technology; Data Analyst; Computer Network Administrator; System administrator; Specialist in Computer Systems Security.

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Learning Language


Learning Objectives

Considering the general objectives of the study cycle, the curricular structure and the curriculum were designed in order to give the Bachelor in Computer Engineering the following knowledge, skills and competences:
– To possess a broad base of knowledge in the area of Computer Engineering, namely in the analysis, design, development and management of software applications and computer networks;
– Apply the knowledge and skills acquired in solving problems in their area of intervention, showing a professional approach and developing solutions based on an adequate argumentation;
– Have the ability to work individually and in groups;
– Be able to communicate adequately with different audiences;
– Have lifelong learning ability, with a high degree of autonomy.

Access to Superior Studies

The cycle of studies grants the degree of Bachelor in Computer Engineering (Level 6).

It allows access to the 2nd Cycle (Level 7) and 3rd Cycle (Level 8) in the area of Computer Engineering and related areas.

Course Coordinators

Main Branch

Curricular Year: 1
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Álgebra Linear e Geometria Analítica 31001539 6 Annual S
Circuitos Eletrónicos 31001550 6 Annual S
Estruturas de Dados 31001545 6 Annual S
Fundamentos de Programação 31001506 6 Annual S
Interação com o Utilizador 31001561 6 Annual S
Matemática I 31001498 6 Annual S
Matemática II 31001572 6 Annual S
Programação para a Internet I 31001528 6 Annual S
Sistemas Digitais 31001517 6 Annual S
Tecnologias e Arquitetura de Computadores 31001583 6 Annual S

Curricular Year: 2
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Bases de Dados 31001607 6 Annual S
Bases de Dados II 31001682 6 Annual S
Engenharia de Software 31001594 6 Annual S
Estatística 31001629 6 Annual S
Multimédia e Computação Gráfica 31001646 6 Annual S
Programação 31001618 6 Annual S
Programação Aplicada 31001671 6 Annual S
Programação para a Internet II 31001660 6 Annual S
Redes de Computadores I 31001654 6 Annual S
Sistemas Operativos 31001635 6 Annual S

Curricular Year: 3
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Gestão de Projeto 31001708 6 Annual S
Gestão de Sistemas e Redes 31001747 6 Annual S
Introdução à Inteligência Artificial 31001693 6 Annual S
Laboratório de Programação 31001736 6 Annual S
Projeto ou Estágio 31001770 12 Annual S
Redes de Computadores II 31001719 6 Annual S
Sistemas de Informação 31001725 6 Annual S
Sistemas Distribuídos 31001764 6 Annual S
Tecnologias e Aplicações Móveis 31001753 6 Annual S