Course Objectives
General objectives of the SC:
To offer training that develops and deepens the knowledge obtained in the field of marketing and communication, enabling its application and development in original, complex and multidisciplinary contexts;
Promote high-level applied research and development;
Provide students with updated and advanced methods, analysis, planning, implementation and control techniques;
Encourage reflection and critical thinking in the diagnosis and development of solutions;
Encourage the communication of conclusions, as well as the knowledge and the rationale behind them, clearly and unambiguously to different audiences;
Have developed the skills that will enable them to have lifelong learning in a self-oriented and autonomous way.
Enable the continuation of studies of young graduates and professionals with the need to deepen their skills in order to improve their performance.
Curricular structure:
The study cycle, which has as predominant scientific areas Marketing and Communication Sciences, with the National Classification of Education and Training (CNAEF) of 342 (main) and 347 (secondary), predominantly assures the acquisition, by the student, of a specialization of a professional nature.
The study cycle leading to the master’s degree includes: a) A specialization course, consisting of an organized set of curricular units, called a master’s degree, corresponding to 60 credits; b) A dissertation of a scientific nature or a project work, original and specially carried out for this purpose, or a professional internship subject to a final report, according to the specific objectives envisaged, according to the terms established by the respective regulatory standards, to which corresponds to 48 credits and a curricular unit articulated with the first of 12 credits.
The structure of the degree is based on a set of 30 ECTS common syllabus content the structuring materials for the areas of Marketing and Communication and the 2nd semester presents the division of the group by Specializations. Each branch has two compulsory CUs and three optional ones (these may correspond to the CUs of the other branch). The 2nd year is entirely dedicated to the elaboration of the final work, in one of the three typologies that the law foresees (Internship / Project / Dissertation). In that year, seminars on research methodologies are also offered to support the final work. The final work is defended before a jury, according to the regulation of the study cycle.
Access Conditions
Access is in accordance with the 2nd Cycle of Studies Academic Regulation for IPC’s courses.
Professional Outlets
Marketing and Communication Manager
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Learning Objectives
With an integrative approach to the fundamental variables that make up the marketing-mix, the Master in Marketing and Communication combines in a postgraduate training the skills in terms of innovation and development of products and brands (product), price management and management of the distribution channels (placement), with which they relate to the different tools that constitute the integrated communication of marketing (promotion).
Access to Superior Studies
Acess to 3rd Cycle.
Course Coordinators
Especialização: Comunicação de Marketing
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Identity, Culture and Markets | 20039977 | 6 | 1st S |
Marketing Research | 20039999 | 6 | 1st S |
Organizational Behaviour | 20040077 | 6 | 1st S |
Planning and Strategic Management of Communication | 20021935 | 6 | 1st S |
Strategic Marketing | 20039955 | 6 | 1st S |
Brand Management and Communication | 20040012 | 6 | 2nd S |
Marketing Communication Techniques | 20021954 | 6 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Communicationand Corporate Social Responsability | 20021993 | 6 | 2nd S |
e-Marketing | 20040055 | 6 | 2nd S |
Innovation and Products Development | 20040034 | 6 | 2nd S |
Management of Work Teams | 20040099 | 6 | 2nd S |
Marketing law | 20038438 | 6 | 2nd S |
Media Relations | 20021971 | 6 | 2nd S |
Multivariate Data Analysis | 20040195 | 6 | 2nd S |
Supports Systems to Marketing Decision | 20040210 | 6 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Project/Internship | 20022033 | 48 | Annual |
Seminar | 20022011 | 12 | 1st S |