Mestrado em Mobilidade Elétrica e Sistemas de Energia (Erasmus Mundus)

Objetivos do Curso

The STEPS JMD will provide graduates with academic/practical skills required to meet the needs of a changing and
growing sector in the world, associated to renewable energies, contributing to the competitiveness of the world
industry, and to the efforts of transformation of our society into a highly energy efficient, low carbon economy. The
programme focuses on three key areas: electrical power systems, electrical vehicles, energy efficiency and renewable
energy, with a strong focus on innovation and sustainability. The Master has three main objectives: to prepare students
for a job in the industry via internships in world leading companies, by providing technical knowledge allowing them to
deal with any challenge related with design, fabrication and maintenance of sustainable transports and electric power
systems; to provide them with enough scientific background to access PhD programmes in prestigious universities; to
prepare them for the integration in a multicultural environment.

Condições de Acesso e Ingresso

Nota de candidatura: 95 pontos

Saídas Profissionais e Empregabilidade

Electrical engineers
The European Commission (EU) granted a financial support to the master degree programme through scholarships for
students, giving priority to specific regions of the world as specified in the application proposal. The application
identifies the following priority regions: Asia (region 6), Least Developed Countries, Remaining Asia Countries, and
Latin America (Region 8). In accordance with the recommendations of the EU, students (with or without priority regions
scholarships) are encouraged to return to their home countries after completing the master degree. The rate of
employability of our graduates, mostly foreign students, according to data collected by the Consortium is around 100%.
Several of our graduates have joined doctoral programmes at Associated Universities or have joined Associated

Para informações sobre dados estatísticos do curso clique aqui

Língua(s) de Aprendizagem / Avaliação

Língua Inglesa

Objetivos da Aprendizagem e Competências a Desenvolver

The learning skills can be classified into generic outcomes involving the main milestones of the learning process:
understanding the importance of electrical power systems for generation, transmission and distribution of electrical
energy; acquire the ability to understand the basics of the dynamic modelling of electrical power systems, the ability to
analyse different strategies for grid connection, from both technical and economic points of view; acquire sufficient
knowledge on power electronics needed to analyse and design electrical power and traction systems, the ability to
analyse and understand the design of electric drives and the power transmission systems strategies involved in the
design of the electrical and hybrid vehicle, be capable of analysing the necessary power structures and technologies,
considering multiple aspects as requirements, expected technical evolution, efficiency, security, sustainable
development concerns and service guaranteeing issues.

Acesso a um Nível de Estudos Superior


Coordenador(es) do Curso

Mobilidade Elétrica

Ano curricular: 1

Ano curricular: 2
Unidade curricular Código ECTS Período
Master Thesis Project: Part 2 61000214 30 2º S

Sistemas de Energia: Conceção, Operação e Análise para a Rede Mais Eficiente

Ano curricular: 1

Ano curricular: 2
Unidade curricular Código ECTS Período
Master Thesis Project: Part 2 61000214 30 2º S

Sistemas de Energia: Tecnologias para a Rede Mais Eletrónica

Ano curricular: 1
Unidade curricular Código ECTS Período
Digital Control 60013112 3 1º S
Distribution Systems 60013065 6 1º S
DSP and Communications 61001476 4.5 1º S
Electric Power Systems 61000196 6 1º S
Electric Power Systems Control and Operation 61001465 4.5 1º S
Electrical Machines 60013076 6 1º S
Introduction to Programming 60013155 1 1º S
Microcontrollers 60013041 3 1º S
Power Electronics 61000185 6 1º S
Power Plants 60013101 6 1º S

Ano curricular: 2