Master in Accounting and Public Management

Course Objectives

The design and development of the curriculum of the Master course are based on the training of professionals able to intervene in areas related to accounting and public administration that: Understand the political, economic and social context of administration; Seize the growing role of the state as regulator, in management and evaluation of social policies and social assessment of projects; Possess skills in the areas of organizational design and analysis, and technical management and administration; Have gained experience in applying methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of public policies. It is intended that the end of the Master students have acquired a solid background in accounting and management, whether theoretical or applied to the new context of government bonds, allowing the performance successfully from their work in different institutions that make up the public administration, but also in regulatory bodies, companies and other institutions.

Access Conditions

Conditions required for admission: Bachelor in Accounting, Management, Economics, Finance and other similar areas. Academic degree obtained abroad according to the model of Bologna. Academic degree obtained abroad acknowledged by ISCAC¿s Scientific Board. Holding a school, scientific or professional curriculum, recognized and acknowledged by ISCAC¿s Scientific Board.

Professional Outlets

Performance of higher-level functions in accounting and public management, both in the public sector and in the private sector, including government and municipal bodies, international institutions, non-governmental and socio-professional organizations.

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Learning Language

Portuguese Language.

Learning Objectives

Master’s degree in accounting and public management aims to train technical development drivers, through accounting and public management, capable of advancing, disseminating and applying their knowledge in the different organizations that Make up the public sector.
The curriculum structure is organized in order to deepen the knowledge previously acquired by the students and to contribute to the modernization and improvement of the functioning of the public administration.
The master’s degree in accounting and public management aims to form tables with high technical competence in the areas of specialization of the master’s degree, as well as the consolidation of specific competencies in each of the specializations Provided by the reinforcement of general competences in accounting and management.

Access to Superior Studies

The Master`s degree allows the entry into the third studies cycle which leads to the PhD.

Course Coordinators

Main Branch

Curricular Year: 2
Componente não Lectiva
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Dissertation 50009161 60 Annual
Project 50009205 60 Annual
Training and Report 50009238 60 Annual