It was in 1988 when the ISCAC Students’ Association (AEISCAC) was created, presenting as its main areas of intervention Social Action, Employability, Sports and Educational Policy, defending the interests of students and equal opportunities.
Every year, it organises a panoply of activities with the aim of adding skills to students, such as Business Week, which brings dozens of companies to ISCAC every year with the opportunity of recruitment “in loco”.
At a sporting level, it co-organises annually, on a rotating basis with the other student associations of the country's "ISCAS", the INTERISCAS, a competition that brings together more than 400 athletes, with the aim of disputing the MAGNA cup.

The last edition held in Coimbra was in 2015, with ISCAC winning first place in the competition at home.
In addition to the sporting titles, the AEISCAC has won the Centro Cup, disputed with ISCA-Aveiro. In terms of social action, it has developed a very close work with the students, promoting several fundraising initiatives, such as the Sunset Solidarity.
Chairman of the Board: Diogo Machado