Organic Fruit and Viticulture II

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

In order to achieve the objectives of the curricular unit and the competences foreseen for the students, the learning teaching process is based on:

1. In theoretical-practical classes in which the teacher conveys theoretical concepts, followed by practical application by the student;
2. In practical classes held in the orchards and vineyards where the student accompanies the different cultures and where he performs the main cultural practices used in Fruticulture and Viticulture in the autumn-winter season.

Learning Results

1. Projects the installation of an orchard and a vineyard in organic farming;

2. Know the ways of obtaining plant material;

3. Know the different cultural techniques realized in autumn-winter in organic vineyards and orchards;

4. Explain the importance of proper use of training systems in fruit trees and vines in production.


Module 1:

1 Main factors to take into account when setting up an orchard and a vineyard in organic farming;

2 Method of preparing the soil according to its characteristics;

3 Planting systems in different situations;

4 Techniques for planting ;

5 Techniques  for naintenance of soil according to the rules of organic farming.

 Module 2:

1 Methods of obtaining plant material;

2 Main rootstocks of different fruit trees and vine;

3 Different techniques of grafting ;

4 Chooce  the best symbiont in every situation;

5 Importance of the using quality propagating material.

Module 3: 

1 Concepts, principles, theories and terminology of pruning, tying down and training systems;

2 Effect of pruning operations on the physiology of trees fruits and vines;

3 Limitations soil-and climate in the choice of training systems,

4 Different techniques of pruning and tying down;

5 Correct use of training systems, pruning, and tying down in a fruit tree and / or vineyard to organic farming.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Continua
  • - Módulo 1: Teste escrito - 25.0%
  • - Módulo3: tste escrito (50%) e Execução de diferentes tipos de poda e empa em fruteiras e videiras (50%) - 40.0%
  • - Módulo 2: Teste escrito (80%) e Execução de diferentes tipos enxertias - 35.0%
Avaliação por exame
  • - O exame escrito com todos os conteúdo teóricos e provas práticas - 100.0%




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PALLÁS, R.C. – Manual do enxertador. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1987.

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