Student Ombudsman

The IPC’s Student Ombudsman is an independent body, elected by Student Associations, whose purpose is to defend and promote students’ rights and interests. Besides examining students’ complaints regarding pedagogical and administrative matters, it also watches over other aspects of academic life and social action, aiming at their academic success.

Students will find the most recommended and immediate means to solve most problematic situations in their Organic Teaching Unit (UOE): the teachers, the heads of courses, the heads of the UOE’s management bodies, student associations and others. However, in situations where no solution can be found and in cases of delicate mediation the student should contact the Ombudsman’s Office.

The involvement of students in the IPC community is an important factor for the development of their skills and competences and crucial for the growth of the institution. The Student Ombudsman has a fundamental role in collaborating with students and their representative structures.


Student Ombudsman
Professor Luís Roseiro

Ombudsman Service of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra

R. da Misericórdia | Lagar dos Cortiços | S. Martinho do Bispo | 3045 – 093 Coimbra
Tel.: +351 239 802 350
Opening hours: por marcação prévia


Student’s Ombudsman Regulation

Submit a complaint

Students may submit complaints, individually or collectively, related to pedagogical issues, or to the action or omission of the bodies or services of the UOE and IPC. Students may also present suggestions for improvement. The Ombudsman and those involved in the analysis of the case are subject to a commitment of confidentiality.