Submission and Requests

Procedure (forms available in the section "Download Application Forms/Documents")

Procedure (forms available in the section “Download Application Forms/Documents”)

The Ethics Review Procedure of the CEIPC focuses on the verification of compliance with ethical norms and standards:

– of the applicable legislation;

– national and international conventions and declarations;

– proportionality of the methods;

– of the applicants’ conscience regarding the observance of ethical standards;

– protecting and guaranteeing the dignity and integrity of all those involved, at the different stages of the investigation process.



The CEIPC has been verifying the existence of inconsistencies/lack of information and documents in the processing of applications, which causes constraints and delays in the analysis of processes. Accordingly, it is hereby informed that all applications which are not properly instructed will be returned to the applicants and will not be processed for assessment by the CEIPC.

As far as possible, CEIPC considers requests for advice that are sent to it on a monthly basis, however, taking into account the exponential increase in requests, the entire community is asked to understand any delay that may be noted in the evaluation of requests for advice.

All requests should be submitted to

Before submission you should read the documents carefully:

– Guide for submitting applications to the CEIPC

– CEIPC Deliberation Relating to the Submission of Applications

Submission of applications:

For the application process, all the forms described below and available for download in the documents section must be strictly filled in. Only forms in editable format (word, pdf) will be accepted.

– The Application Form for the realization of a study (Mod. CEIPC_PARE) – (students, teachers, researchers), inserting the chronogram of the study.

– The Informed Consent Form (Mod. CEIPC_CILE) (students, teachers, researchers), which should be adapted to the study, or alternatively attach your own.

– The Declaration of honour form (Mod. CEIPC_DCH) (students, teachers, researchers) duly signed.

– The Tutor Liability Term Form (Mod. CEIPC_TR_O) (Students) duly signed by the supervisor.

– The Ethics Evaluation Checklist Form (Mod. CEIPC_CHLAVET) (students, teachers, researchers).

The Declaration of Commitment of Intellectual Honesty Form (Mod. CEIPC_DCPDI) (students) duly signed.

– Curriculum Vitae of the Researcher responsible for the study to be developed

Strictly completed timeline, and express indication that data collection will only be carried out after the CEIPC pronouncement.


Only forms in editable format (word,pdf) will be accepted.

All requests should be submitted to

All applications which are not properly completed will be returned to the applicants and will not be processed for assessment by this CEIPC.


As far as possible, the CEIPC will consider requests for advice which are received no later than fifteen (15) days before the meeting (which takes place in the third week of each month).

If the request is not received by the deadline, it will be considered at the following monthly meeting.


Download Application Forms