Submission and Requests



Submission of requests for ethical assessment of research projects or academic work addressed to the PUC Ethics Committee, within the scope of their powers provided for in the respective Regulation, namely “research work carried out in the Organic Teaching and Research Units of the PUC and, in particular, those involving, in any form, people, animals, or biological material of human or animal origin”, is carried out exclusively through an electronic platform available at

The entire procedure will be dematerialized, including any communication between the Rapporteur and the Applicant and the final notification of the opinion issued, which will now appear on the platform itself, without prejudice to the sending of emails sent to the address used as access credentials.

Applicants must log in to the platform using their institutional credentials (email address with a domain belonging to the PUC) or, if they are external to the PUC, through an ad hoc account that they can create at the time.

In the case of a project to be carried out under supervision, after completing the form, the Supervisor will be electronically notified to confirm the supervision of the work. Only after this confirmation will the request for an opinion be considered completed.



All supporting information provided by the applicant must be true and is their sole responsibility.

The ethical assessment procedure by CEIPC focuses on verifying compliance of ethical norms and standards with:

– applicable legislation;

– national and international conventions and declarations;

– the proportionality of methods;

– the applicants’ awareness of compliance with ethical standards;

– the protection and guarantee of the dignity and integrity of all those involved, in the different phases of the research process.



To complete the application process, all fields on the electronic form must be filled out completely and documents required for the CEIPC to issue a judgment must be uploaded, namely the applicant’s curriculum vitae, questionnaires, interview guides, other data collection instruments indicated in the application and the document for the provision of informed, free and informed consent (CILE) by participants.

CEIPC provides infra a draft form for the provision of CILE. The respective text must be adapted to the study, so that it clearly and completely describes, in accessible language that is easy for the participant/volunteer to understand, the objectives of the study, the associated risks, the data that will be collected and the terms of its processing, as well as the contact details of the researchers responsible.

All requests that are not duly completed will be returned to the applicants for clarification or the inclusion of missing documents, under penalty of non-assessment by the CEIPC.



CEIPC’s ordinary meetings will generally take place on the last Wednesday of each month (except in the case of August, when there is no meeting), with the specific dates being published in the “Meetings” tab.

As far as possible, the CEIPC will consider requests for opinions that are received by the last day of the month prior to the meeting. However, taking into account the exponential increase in requests, we ask the entire community for their understanding of any delays that may be noted in the evaluation of requests for opinions.

Only in the event of proven urgency in issuing an opinion may requests submitted during the respective month be considered at the monthly CEIPC meeting. The grounds and proof of urgency must be included in the request.



Notification of opinions will be made via email sent to the address used as access credentials. Said notification will include a public link for accessing and validating the opinion.

Supporting Documents