The IQMS of the Polytechnic of Coimbra is the tool for the implementation, maintenance, compliance and improvement of the adoption of quality policies in the institution, in line with the European [European Higher Education Area (ESG), 2015] and national [A3ES – IQMS Guidelines – Guidelines for internal quality assurance systems in higher education institutions (version of October 2016, adapted to the ESG 2015)] standards of reference for quality in HEIs, as well as the applicable legal requirements.
The IQMS of the POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF COIMBRA is binding on all first and second cycle courses, conferring a bachelor’s or master’s degree, and on non-degree courses – Professional Higher Technical Courses (CTeSP), as well as on research and development activities, community service provision and social action. As such, it is the responsibility of all the employees of the POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF COIMBRA to comply with the provisions laid down in the Quality Manual so that it constitutes a solid basis to ensure the effectiveness of the IQMS established and the satisfaction of all stakeholders in the pursuit of the mission of the POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF COIMBRA.
The IQMS is available at