Artistic Studies

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

6.1- The methodological options leading to the fulfillment of the curricular unit program will focus on the following pedagogical strategy:
– Oral presentation centered on the foreseen contents;
– Presentation of images of artworks. Study and reflection on theories, works and reference authors. Reading and discussion of texts.
6.2- The assessment in the course will take place, at the option of the student, in the following ways:
– Continuous evaluation;
– Exam.
The evaluation in those modalities shall be according criteria that will be explained in the statements and/or other elements presented, according to the following components and percentage:
– In-person participation – 20% of the global assessment;
– Individual or group work – 80% of the global assessment.
– Mastery of syllabus – 70% of the overall assessment of the exam;
– Ability to communicate ideas – 30% of the overall assessment of the exam.


Learning Results

3.1- To know and identify the main themes of contemporary art;
3.2- To know and understand the relationship between art and political power, art and “intervention” and art for social and cultural change;
3.3- To know the issues related to the “body”, “feminism” and “post colonial”;
3.4- Critically analyze reference texts;
3.5- Understand the conceptual issues linked to the concept of “institutional art”, “public art” and “urban art”.



4.1 – The “Body”, na arte contemporânea: Bruce Nauman, Jenny Saville, Marina Abramovic, Helena Almeida.
4.2- The “Feminism”, na arte contemporânea: Judy Chicago, Ana Mendieta, Cindy Sherman, Barbara Kruger.
4.3- The “Post-colonial”, Malala Andrialavidrazana, Rosana Paulino, William Kentridge, Adriana Varejão.
4.4- “Institutional Art”, “Public Art” “Urban Art”: Olafur Elliasson, Janet Echelman, Ai Weiwei, Banksy.


Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 80.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
  • - Mastery of syllabus - 70.0%
  • - Ability to communicate ideas - 30.0%




Almeida, B. (2002). Transição, Ciclopes, Mutantes, Apocalípticos, a nova paisagem artística no final do século XX. Assírio & Alvim.
Becker, H. (2008).Mundo da Arte. Livros Horizonte.
Chadwick, W. (1996). Women, art and society. Thames & Hudson.
Danto, A. (1997). After the end of art: contemporary art and the pale of history. Princeton University Press.
Didier-Huberman, G. (2011). O que nós vemos. O que nos olha. Dafne Editora.
Edwards, S. (2006). Instantâneos de história, Passagens sobre o argumento pós-moderno. in Fotografia na Arte: De ferramenta a paradigma. Público e Fundação Serralves
Foster, H. (2007). (Dis)Engaged Art. in Right About Now: Arte & Theory since 1990’s. Valiz
Goldberg, R. (2012). A Arte da Performance, do Futurismo ao presente. Orfeu Negro.