Intercultural Education

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

a) – Lectures
b) – analytical activities and critical reflection, based on various resources, including texts, exercises and audiovisual resources.
c) – Practice sessions (for the preparation and implementation of the intervention project to be undertaken in this course).
The following teaching methods will be used: lecturing, group discussion, case study, screening films and discussion; worksheets, group dynamics; cooperative work; project, student’s presentation of their work.

The course is delivered in b-learning format.

Assessment: final exam (written test) or frequency evaluation; this is composed by the elaboration and presentation of a work on themes of the syllabus; group work students’ provision is differenciable.

Learning Results

1. Understanding majority – minorities relations and the psychological impact of exclusion
2. Understanding the links between education and diversity
3. Understanding how identity, education and social inclusion of minorities are affected by social, cultural and economic factors
4. Recognizing and valuing the distinctive features of different cultures and being able to adjust the techniques and strategies used in basic education
5. Understanding principles of intervention with immigrants and ethnic minoritie
6. Being able to promote positive cultural exchange and learning
7. Getting acquainted with programs, activities, methods and resources of intercultural education


I –Multiculturalism
a. Migrations and multicultalism
b. Development, social cohesion and conflict
c. Minorities, exclusiona nd human rights

II – Intercultural Relations
a. Group of Belonging, identity and social image
b. Stereotypes, prejudice and social discrimination
c. Communication and intercultural sensititvity and competence

III – Intercultural edcuation
a. Barriers to school sucess in children from minorities
b. Intercutlrual edcuation: scope, methods, means, strategies and contents
c. Good practices in Intercultural education

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Periodic Evaluation
  • - individual and group work - 100.0%




AAVV (2014). Manual lidar com a diversidade cultural e promover a igualdade e valorizar a diferença. DGERT.
Gonçalves, S. (2021). Imagem e diálogo intercultural: Recursos visuais para exploração pedagógica e educação pela arte. Coimbra: ESEC/NIEFI
Gonçalves, S., and Majhanovich, S. (Eds.) (2016). Art and Intercultural Dialogue. Rotterdam: Sense.
Gonçalves S. (2014). Multiculturalism, Contact Zones and the Political Core of Intercultural Education. In N. Haydari & P. Holmes (Eds.). Case Studies in Intercultural Dialogue, pp. 57-72. Kendall Hunt Publishing: San Francisco, CA. ISBN: 978-1-4652-1209-2.
Gonçalves, S.; Carpenter, M. (Eds.). (2013). Diversity, Intercultural Encounters, and Education. Oxford: Routledge.