Natural Sciences

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

In this CU, the promotion of skills development (e.g. knowledge, skills, attitudes and values) in different areas of knowledge (e.g. physics, chemistry, biology and geology) in an articulated way focuses on the exploration of methodologies, strategies and activities of teaching and learning in, by and about science. In this UC various didactic resources will be designed and used to support the construction of knowledge in an integrated manner. Assessment by frequency of students takes into account: 1) Research, analysis and discussion of questions/documents (15%); 2) Assiduity, participation and critical reflection (15%); 3) Presentation and discussion of the work/s performed (20%) ; 4) Individual or group work (50%). Assessment by exam (100%) will be done through a written and/or oral test. Tutorial Orientation (OT) is provided for individual and group support for students.

Learning Results

Describe, explain and predict physical and natural phenomena, valuing an integrative approach to different areas of knowledge;
Develop competences (e.g. knowledge, skills, attitudes and values) that are relevant and useful for personal, social and professional training in, by and about science;
Mobilize practices related to the process of building scientific knowledge in solving everyday socio-scientific issues/problems, promoting active and responsible citizenship;
Reflect on the Science/Technology/Society and Environment (CTSA) interrelationships, as well as their ethical dimensions;
Communicate their ideas properly, through the use of different languages (oral, written, iconographic, graphic, scientific, etc.), substantiating them and arguing against the ideas of others;


1. The universe and EARTH-origin, expansion and fate of the universe; Earth in the universe: origin, formation and evolution. 2. the environment and LIFE on EARTH-the origin of life to modern ways of life; preservation of life, environmental aggressions and its impact on the quality of life; HUMAN 3.SER: biological and SOCIAL ASPECTS-origin and evolution of the human being; human system: operating mechanisms; 4-in DETAIL-atoms and molecules; solids and liquids …; 5-WE and the MATERIAL WORLD-materials that surround us; We use water; clothing and packaging we use …; 6-CHEMICALS-what they are and what is done with THEM-some mixtures used in daily life; the substances become …; 7-CHEMICAL TRANSFORMATIONS and the world around us-acids and bases commonly used materials; acid rain and the environment; lime and limestone caves; carbon and organic compounds …;8-physics, chemistry, biology and geology in everyday life.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodical Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 15.0%
  • - Presentation and discussion of the work/s performed - 20.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Research, analysis and discussion of questios/documents - 15.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Al Gore, A. (2009). A Nossa Escolha: um plano para resolver a crise climática. Lisboa: Esfera do Caos.
Archer, L. (1988). A Química da Vida. Revista Colóquio e Ciências, n.º 1, 41-57.
Cunha, E. (2010). Como nos Tornámos Humanos. Coimbra: Imprensa Universidade de Coimbra.
Debelmas, J., & Mascle, G., eds. (2002). As Grandes Estruturas Ecológicas. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Ed Garcia, R. (2004). Sobre a Terra. Lisboa: Público.
Fiolhais, C. (2006). A Arquitectura do Universo. En XIX Congresso ENCIGA, Póvoa de Varzim.
Galileu Galilei. (2010). Sidereus Nuncius: o Mensageiros das Estrelas 2ª ed.. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Galopim de Carvalho, A. M. (1996). Geologia: morfogénese e sedimentogénese. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Harlen, W. (2018). The teaching of science in primary schools (7.ª Ed.). New York: Routledge.