Developmental Psychology

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes: exhibitions, lectures, case presentations and discussion on the theoretical and scientific knowledge associated with changes in Developmental Psychology. Practical classes: conducting literature searches, for the student become familiar with the scientific expertise in an area of interest in this discipline.
The evaluation follows the rules of procedure of ESEC.
1. The continuous evaluation during the semester may result from the combination of: individual tests, research papers, solving practical problems and quality of participation in activities. As an alternative to the two first elements is possible to choose a Digital Portfolio.The different significance of each of these elements in the final grade is set at the beginning of the semester.
2. The exam consists of a written test on all matters summarized.

Learning Results

Develop skills in students to know, understand and intervene in human development, through an adequate theoretical and practical training and the use of scientific methods of observation of student behavior in all situations.
Raise the consciousness of students that teaching-learning process is based on permanent interactions with others, with the environment and with the acquisition and learning already integrated into the personality.
Demonstrate the need for action planning, implementation and evaluation of their activities taking into account the various contextual influences at various stages of human development.
Develop skills in students to know, understand and intervene in the familiar environment of their group, aware of the role of the environment and social and family interaction in the formation of the individual as well as in the teaching learning process.
Develop research skills that can trigger investigations of this future professionals.


UNIT 1. Nature and Scope of Developmental Psychology.1.1. Definition and factors of development.1.2. Methods of Developmental Psychology.1.3. Main theories of human development.1.3.1. Maturacional perspective.1.3.2. Psychoanalytic perspective.1.3.3. Cognitive-developmental perspective.1.3.4. Social learning perspective.1.3.5. Ecological perspective of human development.1.4. Integral formation of personality: areas of behavior and areas of development.UNIT 2. Psychological development in early childhood: between 0 and 3 years.UNIT 3. Psychological development of second childhood: between 3 and 6 years.UNIT 4. Psychological development of children between 6/7 and 11/12 years.UNIT 5. Psychological development of adolescents between 11/12 years and 17/18 years

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - works defined with students on the first class - 100.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




BRONFENBRENNER, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: experiments by nature and design. Cambridge, Massachussetts: Harvard University Press.
CRÓ, M.L. (2006). Actividades na Educação Pré-Escolar e Activação do Desenvolvimento Psicológico.2ª Ed.Lisboa: ESEJD.
LOURENÇO, O. (2002). Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Cognitivo. Teoria, Dados, Implicações (2ª ed.). Coimbra: Livraria Almedina.
MARTOREL, G., PAPALIA, D. E., & FELDMAN, R. D. (2019). O mundo da criança (13ª ed.): McGraw Hill Brasil.
PIAGET, J.; INHELDER, B. (1973). La Psychologie de lEnfant. Sème cd. Paris: VYGOTSKY, L. S. et al. (1977). Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento Intelectual na Idade Escolar. In L. Luria, Psicologia e Pedagogia I Bases Psicológicas da Aprendizagem e do Desenvolvimento. Lisboa: Estampa.
ZAZZO, R.; ALPHANDÉRY, H.G. (1982). Traité de Psychologie de l Enfant. Paris: P.U.F.