History and Geography II

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Consisting of theoretical-practical classes (52h), the teaching of the course will involve the exhibition of information on the part of the teacher with a call for teacher-student interaction, exploring – to a large or small group – documents provided by the teacher, simultaneously taking place and work orientation.
The assessment was organized in accordance with the Academic Regulations for the 1st IPC Study Cycle. In this sense the continuous evaluation will be based on the organization of practical work by the student, inside or outside the classroom (10%) with oral participation; written test (50%) and the organization of a paper and its oral presentation (40%). The evaluation by exam is based on the realization of a single written test, to be done at the end of the semester.

Learning Results

1. Develop questioning attitudes of historical knowledge
2. Perform operations and use specific instruments in the history of methodology
3. Understand, in an integrated manner, the events in Portugal from 15th century to the twentyfirst century
4.Use geographic vocabulary in a clear and rigorous way
5.Recognize resources importance to the territory development
6.Recognize cities importance as territory organization centers
7.Recognize the political, social, economics and environmental importance of Portugal integration in EU.
8. Participate in group work, taking initiatives and encouraging the envolvement of different members.


1. The Modern Portugal at he end of the Old Regime
1.1.The movement of the Expansion: its relevance in the history of Europe and the Word
1.2.The monarchy of the 16th century
1.3 From the monarchy of the Habsburgo to the Restoration
1.4.From D. João V to the Pombalismo
1.5. Relevant features of the Old Regime
2. From the end of absolutism to the First Republic:
2.1.From the absolutism crisis to the triumph of the liberalism
2.2 From the failure of the liberal reform to the end of the First Republic
3.From the Military Dictatorship to the Estado Novo
4.From the April revolution to the Portugal of the Present
5.Economic activities and territorial diferentiation
5.1 Rural environment Agriculture
5.2Subsoil resources and industrial development
5.3.Urbanization and geographic and social mobility of the population 6.Portugal, Europe and the World
6.1Portugals integration in the EU:new challenges and new opportunities
6.2.European politics in the development of Portugals economy

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Practical work - 10.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%




ACCIAIUOLI, M. (2013). António Ferro. A Vertigem da Palavra. Retórica, Politica e Propaganda no Estado Novo. Editorial Bizâncio.
BARRETO, A. (Org.) (2000). A Situação Social em Portugal 1930-1995 (vol.I); 1960-1999 (Vol. II). ICS da Universidade de Lisboa.
BRITO, R. S. (1997). Portugal, Perfil Geográfico.Estampa.
COSTA, J. P. O. (Coord.) (2014). História da Expansão e do Império Português. A Esfera dos Livros.
DAVEAU, S. (1995). Portugal Geográfico. Sá da Costa Editores.
NEWITT, M. ( 2012). Portugal na História da Europa e do Mundo. Texto Editores.
PROENÇA, M, C. (2015). Uma História concisa de Portugal. Temas e Debates/ Círculo de Leitores.
RAMOS, R. (Coor.) (2010). História de Portugal. Esfera dos Livros.
RIBEIRO, O., LAUTENSACH, H. & DAVEAU, S. (1992). Geografia de Portugal. Sá da Costa.
SERRÃO, J. (Dir.). (1981). Dicionário de História de Portugal. Figueirinhas.