Sociology and Demografy Aging

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The methods have a theoretical and practical carather. The focus is, however, the research and discussion of the various syllabuses by the students with guidance and supplement of the professor.

Periodic assessment — throughout the academic semester, will be based on a component, which includes class participation and taking writen test, with a weight up to 57,5% and a working component, preferably in groups with a weighting of 42,5%.

The written test is eliminatory, students must obtain a minimum grade of 7,5.

The nature, characteristics and ponderation of each of the works will be subjected to an analysis during the first class and the information will be recorded on the summary and on the web platforms.


Assessment by exam — assessment at the end of a training period through an individual knowledge assessment test with a weighting of 100% of the final grade.

Students whose grade is equal to or greater than 9,5 will obtain approval.

Students whose grade rates between 7,5 and 9,4 values will take an oral test, and the final score shall be the average of the grades obtained.

Learning Results

1 To know the trends and the aging population worldwide

2 To know evolution and aging of the Portuguese population in the last 50 years and the prospective aging of Portugal in the European and global context

3 To understand the implications of an aging population and increased life expectancy

4 Knowing the changes occurring with age, roles and social structure and recognize that the aging process is the product of circumstances structural, and cultural definitions of personal experiences

5 To know the sociological theories of aging and understand the impact on the process of aging individual and social conditions social micro and macro (economic, structural, cultural)

6 To understand the impact of attitudes, myths and stereotypes in the integration / inclusion and quality of life of the elderly population



1.1 – Demography: concepts, indicators and variables

1.2 – Trends of the evolution of the world population

1.3 – Aging in the European Union: problems and challenges

1.4 – Evolution and aging of the Portuguese population in the last 50 years

1.5 – Prospective of demographic aging in Portugal



2.1 – Sociological theories of aging

2.2 – Social representations of old age

2.3 – Aging in various sociocultural contexts

2.4 – Old age and family relationships: solidarity and tensions

2.5 – Old age, social inequalities and gender inequalities

2.6 – Aging and health: the role of medicine; social inequalities and health

2.7 – Active aging and quality of life

2.8 – Employment, retirement and welfere state

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodic Evaluation
  • - class participation and taking writen test - 57.5%
  • - working component, individual and in groups - 42.5%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Fernandes, A. (1997) Velhice e Sociedade. Oeiras: Celta

Fernandes, A. (2008), Questões Demográficas. Demografia e Sociologia da População, Lisboa: Colibri

Marques, S. (2011) Discriminação da Terceira Idade. Lisboa: FFMS

Nazareth J. (2009) Crescer e Envelhecer – Constrangimentos e oportunidades do envelhecimento demográfico. Lisboa: Presença

Osório, A & Pinto, F. (Org) (2007) As Pessoas Idosas. Lisboa: I. Piaget

Paúl, C. e Fonseca, A. (Coord) (2005) Envelhecer em Portugal. Lisboa: CLIMEPSI Ed

Rosa, M. & Cláudia, V. (2003) A População Portuguesa no Séc. XX, Lisboa: ICS

Rosa, M. (2012) O Envelhecimento da Sociedade Portuguesa, Lisboa, FFMS

Tura, L & Silva, A. (2012) Envelhecimento e representações sociais. R Janeiro: Quartet Ed

Vaz, E. (2008) A Velhice na Primeira Pessoa. Penafiel: Editorial Novembro

VIEGAS, S., et al (2007) A Identidade na Velhice. Porto: Âmbar