Theatrical Production

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The sessions are theoretical-practical and include law analysis, as well as the study of Portuguese and European funding programmes and discussion about some bibliography on cultural policies and concrete cases of the Portuguese theatrical system.
active class participation – 20%
practical work – 30%
evaluation test – 50%;

Final Exam: 100%

Learning Results

1. Apply the organizational concepts and the legal requirements in the design of a theatre production project;
2. Develop the capacity of artistic, financial, commercial and human resources management in a theatre production project;
3. Collect and process information on cultural agents;
4. Prepare the communication plan and the theatre show brief;
5. Design and convincingly expose the planning and management of a theatre project;
6. Use justified criteria to choose theatre shows for different spaces;
7. Relate programming contents with the communication means;
8. Conceive and manage the production calendar;
9. Organize material and human resources for a theatre show, season or event.


1. Cultural policy. Culture as public intervention category;
2. Public mechanisms to support culture: DGArtes direct and indirect programs, programs for internationalization; European and Portuguese legislation;
3. The portuguese theatrical system: different kinds of organization;
4. The different stages on theatre creation and production;
5. Communication: audiences, media and programming structures;
6. Theatre programming: what and for whom?

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%




GUIMARÃES, Regina, “Desobedecer às indústrias culturais”, Porto, Deriva Editores, 2017
MORA RAMOS, Fernando e Américo Rodrigues, Manuela Portela e José Luis Ferreira, “Quatro ensaios à boca de cena. Para uma política teatral e da programação”. Lisboa: Cotovia, 2009
PIRES, Patrícia Castelo, Manual de produção das artes do espectáculo, Lisboa, Chiado Editora, 2017
SOLMER, Antonino, (dir.) Manual de Teatro, Lisboa, Cadernos ContraCena/IPAE, 1999