Vocal Practice I

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The methods aplied are mainly practical with exception in some expositive syllabus. The methods will also provide auto and hetero critic. Collective and individual exercises will be developed to obtain ralaxation, breathing and voice projection technics. Due to the practial characteristics of the subject, the evaluation is based on pratical exercises. The presence in classes is compulsory with 75% of presences (art. 2 nº3 Academic regulation).
Continuous evaluation:
Vocal technic 4 in 20
Diction 4 in 20
Vocal technique dubbing 5 in 20
vocal interpretation dubbing 5 in 20
Continuous evaluation 2 in 20
Exam: The student will have to obtain 10 values out of 20 in the Exam.

Learning Results

The voice is one of the most important vehicles of comunication between human beeings. For an Education and Theater professional, this relevance is even higher. The utilization of the vocal sistem in by this professionals isn’t the most effective in many cases, causing the apearence of vocal diseasis that can be cured with an healthy utilization of the respiratory and vocal sistems. A deeper understanding of the vocal fisiology will provide a more effective utilization of this sistems. This will also help the comunication process that is one of the main goals of the profession, making the message more captivating and flexible. Also the articulation in a very important matter to any actor or professor providing a better quality of his work.


1. Vocal sistem and its functions.
2. Vocal practice
2.1.Relaxation: shoulders, head, face muscles, inferior jaw, tongue…
2.2. Breathing: abdominal, abdominal/toraxic
2.3. Resonances: toraxic and nasal.
2.4. Sound production: projection.
2.4.1. Technics to develop
2.4.2. Vocal warm up
2.4.3. Vocal register
2.4.4. Vocal extention
2.4.5. Spoken and singed text
2.5. Diction: fonetics and its pratical aplication: pratical exercices.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Dubbing - Interpretation /Vocal Technique - 50.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Vocal Technique - 20.0%
  • - Diction - 20.0%




Aleixo, F. (2010). Reflexões sobre Aspectos Pedagógicos Relacionados ao Trabalho Vocal do ator. Revista Moringa:Teatro e Dança, v. 1, n. 1, jan.-jun: 103-116 Behlau, M. (2004) Voz: O Livro de Especialista. 2 volumes. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Revinter. Castarède, Marie-France. (1998) A Voz e os seus sortilégios. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho. Malmberg, Bertil. A Fonética: no mundo dos sons e da linguagem. Lisboa: Ed. Livros do Brasil Marchesan, I.Q. (2005).Fundamentos em Fonoaudiologia. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Guanabara Koogan S.A. Martins, M.ª R.D. (1992) Ouvir Falar: Introdução à Fonética do Português. (2.ª ed.) Lisboa: Editorial Caminho. McCallion, M. (1988). The Voice Book. London: Faber and Faber Limited. Monteiro, G. (2003). O Professor: o corpo e a voz. Porto: Edições ASA. Quinteiro, E.A.(1989) Estética da Voz: uma voz para o ator. São Paulo: Summus. Sadolin, C. (2012). Complete Vocal Technique. e-book in www.completevocalinstitute.com