Travel Agencies and Tour Operators

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

About the different contents, active teaching-learning techniques will be stimulated. Support materials on each topic will be provided, which will be worked on by students and presented and discussed by working groups for each theme. With the practice of the Galileo reservation system, students are encouraged to practice self-training. A final group work will be carried out on different destinations provided by TO where students will apply the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired by putting themselves in the role of a TA.
Approval in the course is obtained with a minimum classification of 10 values. The student can choose between a final exam or continuous assessment.
The exam is a single individual test (100%), with a theoretical part and another one with practice of Galileo.
Continuous assessment results from the following parameters:
– Theoretical test (25%)
– Galileo test (25%)
– Final group work (25%)
– Exercises and assignments in class (25%)

Learning Results

Whereas tourism is based on a complex system of inter-relations between different actors, in which the distribution sector plays a key role in linking the tourism supply and demand, it is essential to understand the competitive dynamics underlying the whole system. The main goal of this curricular unit is to developed a set of skills and know-how that enable the students to deal with the main activities and procedures inherent to the business of travel agencies (TA) and tour operators (TO), including:
1- to understand the role of distribution in the tourism value chain, the market environment and trends
2- to identify the main duties and rights of both parties in the process
3- to know and understand the main formalities and legislation related to the activity of TA and TO
4- to identify products, destinations and trends of the main TO working in Portugal
5- to use ICT applied to tourism, such as global distribution systems (Galileo), Internet and reservation tools


1. General framework of travel agencies and tourism and tour operators
1.1. The role of TAT and TO in the tourism value chain
1.2. Origin and evolution of TAT and TO
1.3. Classification and functions of TAT
1.4. Legal framework

2. Tour Operators
2.1. The concept of package tour
2.2. Main TO in Portugal and top destinations
2.3. Budgeting

3. Travel Formalities
3.1. Required Documentation
3.2. Luggage Allowed
3.3. Animal transport
3.4. Wheelchair

4. The market environment
4.1. Sectorial associations
4.2. Consumer rights

5. Galileo System Practice
5.1. Introduction to Global Distribution Systems: the Galileo System and Travelport
5.2. International Aviation Language
5.3. Encode and Decode, Timetable and Local Time
4.4. Availability: Flight Availability
5.5. Reservations: Required and optional booking file fields
5.6. Fares

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Galileo Test - 25.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 25.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 25.0%
  • - Frequency - 25.0%




ABRANJA, N. & MAGALHÃES, C. (2018). Gestão de Agências de Viagens e Turismo. 2ª ed. Lisboa: Lidel.
CTP (2005). Reinventando o Turismo em Portugal – Estratégia de desenvolvimento turístico português no 1º quartel do século XXI. Lisboa:CTP.
GALILEO. (2016). Manual do docente – Básico de reservas, tarifas e emissões. Lisboa: Travelport Portugal.
MARCONI, T. (2016). As práticas relacionais nas agências de turismo na relação com o cliente. Coimbra: Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
SILVA. M. J. (2009). A Distribuição Turística e as Redes de Agências de Viagens em Portugal. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro .
RIBEIRO, L. (2019). Educação e Formação em Turismo na Área da Intermediação: Uma Análise aos Agentes de Viagens e Turismo. Porto: ISMAI.
VERISSIMO, I., & COSTA, R. (2021). Risk management in travel agencies and tour operators in Portugal. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 36(2), 91-100.