Portuguese Sign Language

Base Knowledge

 Língua Gestual Portuguesa: Aquisição da Línguagem e Gramática aproval

Teaching Methodologies

The classes will be essentially demonstrative, with a hydricly theoretical-practical approach only as a form of presentation, focusing mainly on the practical component based on group and individual exercises.

Learning Results

The objective of this course is to specialize the studies consolidated within the Portuguese Sign Language. Thus, we will mainly go through the studies referenced in the literary field in general using and arguing in LGP the literary reflections. Some of the themes to be addressed in class will be: (i) the understanding and demand of Deaf Literature in the linguistic and poetic productions of deaf authors to promote widely the acquisition of their own knowledge inherent in cultural and linguistic identity; (ii) reflection on Human Rights Education for the Deaf (ie, the use of educational concepts and practices based on the principles of respect for human rights in the cultural and linguistic context to provide students who acquire the knowledge of rights inherent in respect, tolerance, cultural and linguistic acceptance as full citizens).


1. Linguistic Rights of the Deaf Community and Education in Human Rights

2. Linguistic studies, with special emphasis on the analysis of deaf literature: literary and poetic productions, and the fundamental citations, from national and international deaf authors

3. Topics in the strategic reflections on the cultural and historical teaching of the Deaf Community and the Portuguese Sign Language: self-awareness and preservation of cultural and linguistic values

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Construction of a video, about a thematic present in the program content, in LGP, the choice of master's degree - 10.0%
  • - Presentation of a project that deepens its investigation according to LGP Curricular Program in primary and secondary education - 10.0%
  • - Realization of two frequencies in LGP (40% each frequency) - 80.0%
  • - Exame em LGP tendo em conta os conteúdos programáticos lecionados - 100.0%




Castro-Caldas, A. & Ferreira Martins, F. (eds). (2002) Cultura Surda – a bandeira de um povo. Cadernos da Saúde, Nº2, Vol. IV: 65-70. Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, UCP. Lisboa.

Castro-Caldas, A. & Ferreira Martins, F. (eds). (2008) Amor Surdo: realidade cultural? O papel da Língua Gestual Portuguesa e da Cultura Surda. Cadernos da Saúde, Nº2, Vol. I:191-197. Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, UCP: Lisboa

LANE, H. A máscara da benevolência: a comunidade surda amordaçada. Lisboa:Instituto Piaget, 1992.

Paddy, L. (2013). Em Busca da Surdidade 1 – Colonização dos Surdos. Lisboa: Surdúniverso.

Morais, Amílcar. 2013. Representação e Liderança da Comunidade Surda: Um Olhar da Sociologia, do livro “Cartografias da Surdez”, Livpsic, (páginas 353 a 363), coordenadores Orquídea Coelho & Madalena Klein, Porto

SKLIAR, C. (Org). A Surdez: um olhar sobre as diferenças. Porto Alegre: Mediação, 1998. 192p

Sousa, Filipe Venade de. Os Direitos Fundamentais das Pessoas Surdas. Coimbra, Almedina, 2014.