Conservation and Processing of Agricultural Products

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Taking into account the contents, the UC will work through two modules, characterized by expository classes complemented by classes using the active and demonstrative method, with the execution of practical laboratory work in food processing pilot plants.

Learning Results

The main learning outcomes are:
To provide students with the hability to understand the funfdamental principles of food preservation;
The capacity to apply the basic principles of food preservation to pfood products of animal and vegetable origin;
The capacity to link the theoretical principles of food preservation with their practical applications;
To stimulate critical analisys and the capacity of self-learning.


1. Principles of food preservation;
2 Application of food processing techniques to food products of animal origin.
2.1. Meat and meat products. Characteristics and preservation & processing technologies.
2.2. Milk and milk products. Characteristics and preservation & processing technologies.
2.3. Eggs and egg products. Characteristics and preservation & processing technologies.
2.4. Byproducts of animal origin.
3. Application of food processing techniques to foods of vegetable origin.
3.1 Biological characteristics of hortofruticultural products;
3.2. Factors that affect quality of vegetable products;
3.3. Technologies for the preservation of vegetable products;
4. Food safety;
4.1 Hazards related to food products;
4.2. Good manufacturing codes of practice;
4.3. Principles and implementation of HACCP programms

Curricular Unit Teachers




HERRERO, A. & GUARDIA, J. (1992). Conservación de frutos. Manual técnico. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
ICMSF (1980). Microbial Ecology of foods. Factors affecting life and death of microorganisms.
VARNAN, A., SUTHERLAND, J.P. (1995). Carne y Productos Cárnicos. Editorial Acribia.: Zaragoza. España.
BAPTISTA, P e VENÂNCIO, A. (2003). Os perigos para a segurança alimentar no processamento de alimentos. Guimarães: Forvisão. CARLOS DIAS PEREIRA, GORETI BOTELHO, IVO RODRIGUES, JUSTINA FRANCO, VÍTOR ESTEVES (2011). Manual de Conservação e Transformação de produtos de Origem Vegetal. Ministério da Agricultura do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas. República de Angola.
DOMINGOS, A. (2005). Manuseamento de produtos hortofrutícolas. SPI. Porto.
BRITES ET AL. (2011). Manual de Conservação e Transformação de produtos de Origem Animal. Ministério da Agricultura do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas. República de Angola.