Equipments and Gerentology Social Services Management

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The learning process articulates practical classes of active and interactive problem-centered methodologies, with an emphasis on critical reflection on the themes of the program. By:
– Expository Method: In order to support elementary, new and complex theoretical concepts that require an educational approach;
– Critical analysis and active discussion of scientific papers;
– Contact and handling of theoretical and practical tools that promote understanding of the themes;
– Role-playing as an interactive and collaborative teaching technique through which the student develops his/her capacity for critical reflection and self-reflection, interaction and creativity.
Evaluation consists in one knowledge test on the topics covered (60% each test) and individual and group work (40%).

Learning Results

1. Know the services of the leading gerontological social services as well as their organization and management methods.
2. Recognize the role of the technical staff in the management of institutions, given the importance of ensuring the quality of care for the elderly.
3. Recognize the quality indicators in the management of services and understand the key issue of quality systems.
4. Know the organization and efficient institutional ergonomics.
5. Understand the main sources of financing of institutions for the elderly: protocols with Social Security, cooperation agreements, etc.
6. Understand the stages of the elderly institutionalization process from application stage to the formulation of the individual plan.
7. Know the care documentation and facilitator of institutional organization.
8. Know other sources of income of the elderly.
9. Understand legal proceedings in disability situations or mistreatment in institutional context.


1. Main social responses in support of the elderly: what services and professionals?
2. Quality of services in gerontological equipment: Implementation of Quality Management System (Manuals SS quality.), Key indicators related to the intervention management, certification process.
3. Funding Sources of support institutions for the elderly: protocols, cooperation agreements and financial vulnerability.
4. Organization of the space and institutional ergonomics.
5. Care documentation: individual and registration grids.
6. Restorative care: the institutional service to promote the functionality and autonomy of the elderly.
7. Reform and other supplements of financial income of the elderly: relation with social response.
8. Management of complex cases: Legal proceedings in failure situations; institutional mistreatment.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodical evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
  • - Frequency - 60.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Duarte,M. (2015). Fragilidade em Idosos: Modelos, Medidas e Implicações Práticas. Coisas de Ler. Lisboa.
Instituto da Segurança Social (2007). Estrutura Residencial para Idosos – Manuais da Qualidade. Instituto da Segurança Social. Lisboa.
Pearce, B.W.(2000). Sénior living communities: Operations management and marketing for assisted living, congregate, and continuingcare retirement communities. Maryldand: The John Hopkins University Press.
Paulos, C. (2010). Gestão de Instituições para Idosos: Qualidade, Humanidade e Eficiência em Cuidados Geriátricos. Dashofer Holding Ltd.
Martin, V., Henderson, E. (2004). Gestão de Unidades de Saúde e de Serviços Sociais. Monitor. Lisboa.
Silva, S., Santos, N., Mota, J., Martin, I. (2014). Sustentabilidade das instituições particulares de Segurança Social em Portugal. Autores. ISBN: 978-989-20-5404-9.