Introduction to Tourism

Base Knowledge

Non applicable

Teaching Methodologies

The subjects to be taught will be implemented using theoretical, theoretical-practical and practical classes, in order to stimulate the debate, the research of themes and actual problems of tourism industry. Whenever important, case studies related to the syllabus will be analyzed, as well as the viewing of films/documentaries and others related to the tourism activity in general. During the theoretical-practical classes group tasks will be held.

Learning Results

1. Understand tourism sector at its social, territorial, cultural, laboring, politic and economic level
2. Know the basic concepts on tourism activity
3. Understand the interdisciplinary character of tourism
4. Use and apply the different information sources related to tourism activity
5. Recognize the main agents of touristic supply
6. Recognize the main agents of public and private sector on national and international touristic market
7. Comprehend the working net between the different agents.


1. The touristic activity: Concepts and classifications ; Main periods of tourism’s history.
2. Touristic demand: characteristics, motivation and indicators of touristic demand.
3. Tourism system: conceptual models. 3.1. Main features and structure of touristic supply; Tourism distribution chain; 3.2. Institutional organization of tourism: the role of private and public sector; Main international and national organizations of tourism sector.
4. The impacts and tendencies in tourism.
5. Global Code of Ethics for Tourism .

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuous evaluation
  • - Theoretical test - 70.0%
  • - Participation in class - 10.0%
  • - Practical test - 20.0%
  • - Theoretical test - 100.0%




Cooper; C. et al. (2008). Tourism: Principles and practice (4 th ed.). London: Pearson Education.
Costa, C. (2014). Gestão Estratégica do Turismo: Evolução Epistemológica dos Modelos e Paradigmas, e Tendências para o Futuro. In C., Costa; F., Brandão; R., Costa & Z., Breda (Eds.), Turismo nos Países Lusófonos: Conhecimento, Estratégia e Territórios (Vol. I), pp. 19-40. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Cunha, L. (2007). Introdução ao Turismo. 3ª ed. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo.
Cunha L. (1997). Economia e Política do Turismo. Alfragide: McGraw-Hill.
Hall, C. M; Williams, A. M, & Lew, A. A. (2007). Turismo : conceitos, instituições e temas. In A. A. Lew, C. M.Hall, & A.M. Williams (Eds.), Compêndio deTurismo, (pp. 23-41). Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Kronenberg, C. (2008). Change management in tourism : from ‘old’to ‘new’ tourism. Berlin: Erich Schnidt Verlag.
Mira, M. R., & Ramos, A. (2013). Modelos explicativos e paradigmas: investigação e intervenção em Turismo.Exedra, 8, pp. 35-55.