Introduction to Traditional Instrumental Practice

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The classes will be predominantly practical, with particular emphasis on basic instrumental techniques and interpretation of diverse repertoire. The assessment will be continuous, focusing both on the technical skills demonstrated and on the ability to interpret.
Students can opt for continuous/periodic assessment or assessment by examination during the regular season, provided that, in either case, they attend at least 75% of the classes taught.
Students with a grade of less than 10 in the continuous/periodic assessment, or in the regular period exam, may register for an exam during the appeal period, provided that they have attended at least 75% of the classes taught.
Students with grades in the continuous/periodic assessment or in the regular season exam equal to or greater than 10 can register for an appeal exam, to improve their classification, provided that they have attended at least 75% of the classes taught.

Learning Results

– Knowledge of the basic techniques of the following instruments: guitar, accordion, ukulele (cavaquinho) and mandolin
– Selection and assembly of simple repertoire articulated with the practical needs of the Music in Special Contexts branch
– Contribution to the development of responsiveness to social, cultural and musical contexts.


– Knowledge and valuation of the traditional organological heritage
– National traditional and popular repertoire
– Mastering the basic technical principles of the proposed instruments: Accordion, Guitar, Ukelele (cavaquinho) and Mandolin
– Specific accompaniment techniques for each musical instruments.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Correia, Avelino Rodrigues (2007). Fogueiras do São João o que elas vieram dar… Um estudo etnomusicológico das fogueiras em Coimbra. Coimbra: Câmara Municipal de Coimbra.
Giacometti, M.; Lopes-Graça (1981). Cancioneiro Popular Português. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.
Neves, César A. C. das; Campos Gualdino (1898 Vol. III; 1895 Vol. II; 1893 Vol. I). Cancioneiro de Músicas Populares. Porto: Typographia Occidental.
Oliveira, Ernesto Veiga de (2000). Instrumentos Musicais Populares Portugueses. Lisboa: Fundação CG.
Weffort, Alexandre Branco [org.] (2006). A Canção Popular Portuguesa em Fernando Lopes-Graça. Lisboa: Caminho.