Portuguese Economics

Base Knowledge

 Basic macroeconomics and microeconomics.

Teaching Methodologies

Expositive and with thematic presentations by the students.

Learning Results

Provide students with a vision of the evolution of the Portuguese economy in the last century.

Discuss the determinants of the evolution of the Portuguese economy.

Understand the role of public policies in the Portuguese economy.

Understand the importance of structural reforms in the evolution of the Portuguese economy.

Understand the main constraints to economic development.

Debate current problems and challenges.


1. The divergence in the growth of the Portuguese economy, vis-à-vis European countries, throughout the 19th century
2. The evolution of the Portuguese economy during the 20th century
2.1. The economic situation from the First Republic to the beginning of the Estado Novo
2.2. The economic consequences of World War I
2.3. Financial stabilization after World War I
2.4. The effects of the Great Depression of the 1930s
2.5. The 1930s and 1940s and state intervention
2.6. The post-World War II period and the conduct of macroeconomic policies (monetary, exchange rate and budgetary policies)
2.7. The 1960s and international economic relations (European integration, the system of economic relations with the colonies, foreign trade, foreign investment, emigration)
2.8. The April Revolution and the macroeconomic adjustment: the Balance of Payments crisis and the agreements with the IMF
2.9. Portugal’s entry into the EEC: economic developments in the period 1986-92
2.10. The new economic regime with the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
3. The Portuguese economy in the first two decades of the 21st century
4. The current challenges faced by the Portuguese economy

Curricular Unit Teachers




Amaral, Luciano, “Economia Portuguesa, as últimas décadas”, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2010 

Lopes, José Silva, “A economia portuguesa desde 1960”, Gradiva, 1996.

Mateus, Abel (coord), “25 anos de Portugal Europeu”, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2013   

Mateus, Abel, “Economia Portuguesa desde 1910”, Verbo, 3.ª edição, 2006

Pereira, Paulo Trigo, “Portugal: Dívida Pública e Défice Democrático”, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2012  

Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes e Silva, Pedro Adão (Org.), “Políticas Públicas em Portugal”, INCM e ISCTE-IUL, 2012



 Alexandre, Fernando et al. (coord), “A Economia Portuguesa na União Europeia: 1986-2010″, Actual Editora, 2014

To be indicated to students depending on the topics to be addressed in group works.