Management of Faunal Resources

Teaching Methodologies

In addition to the oral presentation of the topics included in the syllabus, lessons include practice of species identification, either in the classroom or on the ESAC campus.

Learning Results

As a result of the learning process is intended that the student:
1. Knows the bio-ecology of the different groups of vertebrates with importance in Portugal and the role they play in the ecosystem where they are included;
2. Knows the basics of the anatomy of the major vertebrate groups;
3. Knows the concepts associated to hunting and to fishing, as well as the proper techniques for sustainable exploitation of these;
4. Learn the basics of hunting management, in the management of populations, habitat and predators, and relations with the Conservation of Nature and other nature tourism activities.


Module 1. To know the wildlife: the evolution of vertebrates; species and most important groups of species; their geographical distribution and habitats; biology (anatomy, physiology, external morphology, ethology and animal health), and ecology of different taxa with particular regard to the species with hunting and fisheries importance; endangered species and protection measures.
Module 2. Hunting: historical introduction; hunting exploitation (processes and means of hunting), relations with the Conservation of Nature. Fishing: concepts and legislation on inland fishing, fishing exploitation. Planning and management: management plans of hunting estates; population management; predator control; repopulation; monitoring techniques; habitat suitability indices (HSI); relations with other nature tourism activities such as bird watching.

Grading Methods

Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Exame Teórico-Prático - 100.0%
Avaliação Contínua
  • - Teste Teórco-Prático do módulo 2 - 50.0%
  • - Teste Teórco-Prático do módulo 1 - 50.0%




Pereira, C.A. 1994. Espécies Aquícolas de Portugal Continental. DGF, Lisboa.

MacDonald, D. e Barret, P. 1999. Mamíferos de Portugal e Europa. Fapas. Porto.

Mularney, K., Svensson, L., Zettertröm, D., Grant, P.J. 2003. Guia de Aves. SPEA e Assírio e Alvim.

Bolen, E.G. e Robinson, W.L. 2002. Wildlife ecology and management. Prentice Hall. New Jersey.

Ribeiro, F., Beldade, R., Dix, M. & Bochechas, J. 2007. Carta Piscícola Nacional. DGRF – Fluviatilis, Lda. Lisboa.

Almeida, N.F., Almeida, P.F., Gonçalves, H., Sequeira, F., Teixeira, J. e Almeida, F.F. 2001. Anfíbios e Répteis de Portugal. Fapas. Porto.

Sinclair, A., Fryxell, J., e Caughley, G. 2006. Wildlife Ecology and Management. Blackwell.

Braun, C.E. (ed.) 2005. Techniques for wildlife investigations and management. The Wildlife Society. Bethesda.

Cabral, M.J. (coord.) 2006. Livro Vermelho dos Vertebrados de Portugal (peixes dulciaquícolas e migradores, anfíbios, répteis, aves e mamíferos). ICN, Assírio & Alvim.