Aging Biology

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Beyond the initial exhibition contents, documentary research, observing and recording data for analysis are encouraged, so that the student is constituted as an active element in their learning process. Colaborative work in small group is also promoted, which result elements respective writings and oral presentation (A). It promoted self-assessment (B) and hetero-evaluation (C).Based on survey and documental information, and observation of facts in real contexts, is still promoted the development of individual work that focuses on the characterization of common pathologies in / the old / the identifying and substantiating the risk factors. The work also includes proposals for intervention in health promotion and disease prevention. This work follows a written and an oral defense, settling as evaluation elements (D). In continuous assessment system, the elements considered are outlined by the following weighted:(0.4*A) +(0.05 * B) + (0,05*C) +(0.5 * D). Evaluation by an exam test (100%)

Learning Results

Identify the main characteristics and manifestations of aging of different biological systems of the human organism; Understand the interdependent relationships in biological systems of the organism and the physiological and functional repercussions of changes in the process of human aging; Recognize fragile aspects that influence the vulnerability of the elderly to diseases; Recognize the most common health problems in the elderly; Mobilise knowledge and pratices on active and healthy elderly to develop healthy promotion strategies.


1. Biological mechanisms of aging at the level of various biological systems of the human body;
2. Structural and physiological interdependence of biological systems of the body.
3. Physiological and functional repercussions changes observed in the human aging process.
4. Fragility as a disease vulnerability factor in the elderly person.
5. Recognition of frequent heath problems in elderly, associated with neurological, cardiovascular,
respiratory, endocrine, musculoskeletal and immun systems.
6. Healthy and active aging.


Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 100.0%




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Espanha, M., Correia, P., Pascoal, A., Armanda da Silva, P., & Oliveira, R. (2001) Anatomofisiologia: funções da vida orgânica interna, Tomo III. Faculdade de Motricidade Humana.

Eliopoulos, C. (2011). Enfermagem gerontológica (7ª Ed). Artmed.

Freitas, V., Py, L., Aluizio, F.Cançado X; Gorzoni, M., L.(2006). Tratado de Geriatria e Gerontologia (2ª Ed). Rio de Janeiro, editora Guanabara.

Moody, H. (2009). Aging Concepts and Controversies. (6ª Ed). Pine Forge Press.

Reichel, W., Gallo, J., Busby-Whitehead, J., Rabins, P., Silliman, R. &e Murphy, J.(2001). Assistência ao Idoso: Aspectos clínicos do envelhecimento. (5ª Ed.). Guanabara e Koogan.

Ribeiro O; Pául, C. (2011). Manual de Envelhecimento Activo. Lidel ;

Veríssimo, T (Coord.). (2014). Geriatria fundamental – saber e prática. Lidel