Direito dos Contratos

Base Knowledge

Basic notions of civil and commercial law.

Teaching Methodologies

The planned teaching method will be exclusively student support in the form of office hours, as the a new
edition of the course did not open in the 2023/24 academic year.

Learning Results

It is expected that by the end of the course each student is entitled to:

a) know the terms of the substantive legal protection (and its enforcement) of:

a1) contracts in general;

a2) commercial contracts,

a3) banking contracts;

b) identify new forms of contracting.


Title I

Contracts in general

1. Concept and types of contract.

2. The formation of the contract a. The formation of the contract proposal and acceptance by b. E-procurement c. The general contract clauses.

3. The pre-contractual liability.


Title II

Contracts for acquisition of rights to things

1. The contract of sale.

2. The Leasing contract.


Title III

Distribution contracts

1. Agency contract.

2. Contract for commercial distribution.

3. Franchise Agreement leasing contract.


Title IV

Bank Contracts

1. General principles of banking contracts. The private autonomy. General contractual terms (GCC).

2. The banking contract or nuclear matrix: the account opening.

3. The deposit.

4. Credit agreements: the mutual credit and openness, simple and current account.

5. Guarantee contracts. In particular, the autonomous bank guarantee.

6. Project financing. Standard clauses. The covenants. The bank syndicates.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Final
  • - Trabalho escrito individual - 50.0%
  • - Prova escrita individual - 50.0%
Avaliação periódica
  • - Prova escrita individual - 40.0%
  • - Trabalho escrito individual - 30.0%
  • - Apresentação oral - 30.0%




Almeida, C. F. (2018). Contratos I – Conceitos, Fontes, Formação. Almedina.

Antunes, J. E. (2009). Direito dos contratos comerciais. Almedina.

Cordeiro, A. M. (2016). Manual de Direito Bancário. Almedina.

Martinez, P. R. (2010). Direito das Obrigações (Parte Especial) – Contratos. Almedina.

Monteiro, A. P. (2009). Contratos de Distribuição Comercial. Almedina.

Sá, A. (2005). Cláusulas Contratuais Gerais e Directiva sobre Cláusulas Abusivas. Almedina.

Telles, I. G. (2002). Manual dos contratos em geral. Coimbra Editora.