Course Objectives
The course in Secretarial Direction and Administration aims to train professionals capable of performing higher level functions to support companies in their management and administration, with a high degree of adaptability and response to different professional situations in the context of the companies management and administration. The importance of business and the markets internationalization emphasize the relevance of the professionals in this area, who should gather a set of skills and abilities, not only from the technical point of view, but also from the personal point of view.
About the study plan, it includes three years (six semesters), taking place a curricular training in the last semester of the course with report writing to be defended before a jury of three elements.
Access Conditions
Secondary school or equivalent and one of the following exams: Portuguese (18) or English (13) or Geography (09)
The information provided does not exempt the consultation of the page of the General Directorate of Higher Education (DGES) and / or the page of the Candidates. See DGES website and Applicants page.
Professional Outlets
Secretariat of Direction and Administration;
Administration Assistance;
Management Assistance;
Technical coordination of communication services and office;
Organization and coordination of socio-cultural activities.
Learning Language
Portuguese Language.
Learning Objectives
These professionals should gather a set of competences which allow them to perform successfully the functions they are given: – Acquire linguistic competences; to master the orality and the writing of the Portuguese Language, of the English Language and also of the Spanish Language; to master the orality and the writing of the above mentioned languages in a technical context, in the area of Secretarial Direction and Administration; to be able to communicate with the various publics, taking into account the aims and culture of the organization; to acquire notions of companies and public services organization and management; to understand fundamental notions of Financial Accounting and Management Accounting; to use in an autonomous way the ICT to organize information and other secretarial tasks; to acquire fundamental notions of commercial, tax and labour legislation.
Access to Superior Studies
The first degree allows the application to post-graduate courses.
Course Coordinators
Tronco comum
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
English Applied to Business Sciences I | 50004114 | 5 | 1st S |
Introduction to Accounting and Finance | 50004085 | 5 | 1st S |
Law Framework of the Company Activity | 50004068 | 5 | 1st S |
Principles of Macroeconomics | 50004079 | 5 | 1st S |
Quantitative Methods Applied to Business Sciences | 50004096 | 5 | 1st S |
Social Sciences Methodology | 50004057 | 5 | 1st S |
Administrative Law | 50003526 | 5 | 2nd S |
English Applied to Business Sciences II | 50004131 | 5 | 2nd S |
Fiscal Law and Procedural Fiscal Law | 50004186 | 5 | 2nd S |
Management Information Systems I | 50004142 | 5 | 2nd S |
Oral and Written CommunicationTechniques I | 50004169 | 5 | 2nd S |
Principles of Corporate Management | 50004120 | 5 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
English Applied to Business Sciences III | 50004197 | 5 | 1st S |
Financial Mathematics | 50004224 | 5 | 1st S |
Management Accounting | 50006610 | 6 | 1st S |
Management Information Systems II | 50004230 | 5 | 1st S |
Oral and Written Communication Techniques II | 50004213 | 5 | 1st S |
Statistics Applied to Business Sciences | 50004241 | 6 | 1st S |
Corporate Law | 50003031 | 4 | 2nd S |
Corporate Strategy | 50004287 | 6 | 2nd S |
English Applied to Business Sciences IV | 50004259 | 4 | 2nd S |
Market Research | 50006733 | 5 | 2nd S |
Oral and Written Communication Techniques III | 50004276 | 5 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Events Organization and Management | 50004298 | 4 | 2nd S |
Translation Techniques | 50004301 | 4 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Decision Models and Processes | 50006405 | 3 | 1st S |
English Applied to Business Sciences V | 50004312 | 5 | 1st S |
European Law | 50006372 | 5 | 1st S |
Oral and Written Communication Techniques IV | 50004334 | 6 | 1st S |
Secretarial and Assistance Practices I | 50004340 | 6 | 1st S |
Spanish Language I | 50004366 | 5 | 1st S |
Ethics | 50006632 | 5 | 2nd S |
Portuguese and European Economics | 50001243 | 4 | 2nd S |
Public and Human Relations | 50006520 | 6 | 2nd S |
Secretarial and Assistance Practices II | 50006542 | 6 | 2nd S |
Spanish Language II | 50006569 | 5 | 2nd S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Projects Management | 50006604 | 4 | 2nd S |
Team Leadership and Management | 50006575 | 4 | 2nd S |