Microaccreditation in Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition - New practical challenges

Course Objectives

The Microcreditation course in Enteric and parenteral nutrition -new challenges
it aims to update and consolidate practical skills in the field of Enteric and parenteral nutrition. This is a very specific topic little addressed and in Frank evolution and updating hence this training with experienced professionals whose contribution is fundamental to improve and update professional skills.

Access Conditions

They can apply for enrolment and registration:
a) holders of the degree of licentiate or legal equivalent in dietetics and nutrition or Nutrition Sciences / nutritionists, nurses, doctors, graduates in Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences or students enrolled in 3.º or 4th year of the degree course in dietetics and nutrition of ESTeSC;
B) holders of a foreign higher academic degree conferred following a 1.º cycle of studies in dietetics and nutrition or Nutrition Sciences/ nutritionists, nurses, doctors, graduates in Pharmacy / Pharmaceutical Sciences organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a state adhering to this process;
C) holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognized as satisfying the objectives of the degree of Bachelor in dietetics and Nutrition Dietetics and nutrition or nutrition sciences, or Nutrition Sciences / nutritionists, nurses, doctors, graduates in Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Sciences by the scientific technical Council of ESTeSC;
D) holders of a school, scientific or professional curriculum, which is recognized as attesting capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the scientific technical Council of ESTeSC.

The recognition referred to in points (b) to (d) has the effect only of granting access to the course and does not confer on its holder the equivalence to the degree of licentiate or the recognition of that degree.

Learning Language


Main Branch

Curricular Year: 1
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition 41005701 1 Annual S