Postgraduate Studies in Adult Education and Local Development

Course Objectives

Post-Graduation Studies in Adult Education and Local Development deepens the training that ESEC has been developing in the framework of the degree in Social Pedagogy.
The components of Adult Education and Local Development gain prominence from the academic point of view in a perspective of professional intervention able to respond to different challenges that the current society poses to us.
Thus, one of the most important social functions of Education is to promote cooperation and mobilize resources, in order to design appropriate responses to groups, communities and territories problems.
The ‘local’ is, therefore, understood as a territory organized by cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary intervention projects that require an integrated vision of its own development and of the educational project that underlies and feeds it.
Adult Education, framed in a Lifelong Education perspective seeks to insert itself in the lives of the communities of its participants, where new learning and the systematization and conceptualization developed from the skills acquired in the various contexts of life take on meaning.
It is sought, reciprocally, to develop new knowledge and skills by deepening knowledge acquired in perspectives, sometimes more scholarly.
It is in this context that the present course in Adult Education and Local Development has as its main objective social intervention and is strongly associated with the desire to promote a more democratic society.

Access Conditions

The following may apply for the postgraduate course: a) Holders of a bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent conferred by a national higher education institution in the areas of Social Pedagogy, Community Education and Social Education; degree in Educational Sciences, Sociology, Anthropology and Psychology and in other courses in the scope of Social and Human Sciences; degree in Tourism, Theater, Sports and Leisure, Communication, Teaching or in related areas; b) Candidates with enrollment in the last year of the degree.

Learning Language


Learning Objectives

To provide students with a set of tools conducive to carrying out intervention activities that can substantiate, regulate and evaluate proposals for the development of educational competences integrated in local development processes.

Access to Superior Studies

Not applicable

Course Coordinators

Common Core

Curricular Year: 1
Curricular Unit Code ECTS Period
Associativism and Development 21000945 6 1st S
Development and Education 21000906 6 1st S
Long Life Education 21000890 6 1st S
Models and Practices of Adult Education 21000917 6 1st S
Local Development 21000939 6 2nd S