Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching methodologies used can be divided into the following activities:
– theoretical-practical lectures in order to provide students with the concepts considered essential for learning
– Challenges and questions at the classroom to promote critical thinking and creative construction;
– Analysis and discussion of case studies about acessible tourism products
-Development of the work group to be discussed in the classroom
-Study visits in order to contact with best practices on accessible tourism
– Tutorial guidance sessions aimed at monitoring and supervising the work developed by students.
Regarding assessment, the continuous assessment includes a written test (30%), class challenges and questions (20%) and group work (50%). The exam consists of a written test, to be carried out according to the schedule defined by ESEC.
Learning Results
The learning outcomes are:
– To recognize the underlying social dimension to the development of Accessible Tourism
– To know the principles of universal design applied to tourism
– To recognize the competitive advantages of accessible tourist services & produtcs
– To differentiate the segments of the accessible tourism market
– To identify the factors to be considered in the promotion of accessible tourism
– To recognize the importance of accessibility across the tourist services value chain
– To know national and international good practices in this field
– To identify the main guidelines and regulations, national and international, apply in the accessible tourism context
– To Know the Evolution of Accessile Tourism in Portugal
1. Accessible Tourism: Conceptual framework
1.1. Concepts: disability, impairment, tourist with disabilities, accessible tourism
1.2. From the medical model to the social model
1.3. Accessibility and Universal Design Paradigm
1.4. Accessible Tourism in the context of sustainable tourism
1.5. Regulatory framework, guidelines and codes of conduct
2. Accessible tourism from the demand perspective
2.1. Market size and growing factors
2.2. Major Constraints and facilitators in tourism activities
2.3. Negotiation Strategies
3. Accessible Tourism Supply
3.1. The physical and human dimension
3.2. The systemic approach to Accessible Tourism
3.3. Portugal State of art
3.4. Best Practice
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
- - Frequency - 30.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
Devile, E. (2017). Turismo Acessível. In. F. Silva, J. Umbelino (eds). Planeamento e Desenvolvimento Turístico. (pp 63-78). Lisboa: Lidel.
Devile, E. L., & Kastenholz, E. (2018). Accessible tourism experiences: the voice of people with visual disabilities. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 10(3), 265–285
Kastenholz, E., Eusébio, C., & Figueiredo, E. (2015). Contributions of tourism to social inclusion of persons with disability. Disability & Society, 7599(November), 1259–1281.
Moura, A., Eusébio C, & Devile, E. (2022). The ‘why’ and ‘what for’ of participation in tourism activities: travel motivations of people with disabilities, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2022.2044292
Turismo de Portugal, IP. (2017). Manual de Gestão de Destinos Turísticos Acessíveis. Lisboa: Turismo de Portugal.
UNWTO. (2016). Tourism for All – promoting universal accessibility. Madrid.