Accounting II

Base Knowledge

Students should have acquired the skills identified in the course of Accounting I.

Teaching Methodologies

The development of the syllabus will be carried out, as much as possible, by resorting to active methods, which imply the participation of the students, the promotion of a theoretical-practical perspective of the accounting matters addressed and learning based on know-how. For this, the explanation of the theoretical and conceptual foundations of the subjects will be combined with practical cases and resolution of pedagogical exercises, making a constant appeal to the appreciation of the students, in order to encourage reasoning and critical vision. 

Activities will also be carried out in class, in groups or individually, some aimed at assessment, others at searching for information from any source, using digital platforms, and these activities will be followed by feedback to students so that they can review their learning.

Learning Results


O1. This curricular unit aims to provide the necessary knowledge to understand the main financial statements and the role of accounting as a useful information system for different users, following on from the course of Accounting I.

O2. It is intended to provide the theoretical foundations and practical procedures of some relevant headings for this understanding of the main financial statements, according to the national accounting regulation.

This knowledge is based on the existing interdisciplinarity between accounting and other areas, namely law and information technologies, in a broad approach to accounting as an essential information system for the functions that may be performed by a professional in the field of Solicitorship and IT Management.

Skills of the students:

C1. Understand the usefulness of financial information for the understanding of a business;

C2. Understand the most common valuation and recognition criteria underlying the main headings in the financial statements;

C3. Understand the determination and significance of net income;

C4. Interpret the main financial statements;

C5. Identify the main accountability obligations of companies.


1. Main equity items.
1.1. Share capital.
1.2. Legal reserves and other reserves.
1.3. Retained income.

2. Short-term employee benefits.
2.1. Types of employee compensation.
2.2. Distinction between gross and net remuneration – types of charges on remuneration.
2.3. Processing and payment of remunerations and charges.

3. Main sources of financing for companies.

3.1. Bank financing (whether or not titled as a promissory note).
3.2. Financial and operational leasing as sources of financing.
3.3. Factoring and confirming.
3.4. Supplies and supplementary services.

4. Tangible fixed assets.

4.1. Relevant concepts.
4.2. Distinction between tangible fixed assets, intangible assets and investment properties.
4.3. Initial valuation of acquired and built tangible fixed assets.
4.4. Subsidies related to tangible fixed assets.
4.5. Reduction in the value of tangible fixed assets due to depreciation.
4.6. Derecognition of tangible fixed assets: disposal, claims and write-off.
4.7. Acquisition under financial leasing – accounting regime versus legal regime.

5. Period-end transactions and financial statements.
5.1. Impairments and losses in inventories.
5.2. Economic periodization of expenses and income.
5.3. Calculation of different incomes and their interpretation.
5.4. Structure and content of the main financial statements.
5.5. Preparation and interpretation of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement.

6. Basic understanding of the accountability process.
6.1. Duty to report to management and present financial statements.
6.2. Identify the financial statements and other documents included in the process.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Borges, A.; Azevedo Rodrigues; Rodrigues, R.; Azevedo Rodrigues, J.A. (2021). Elementos de contabilidade geral, 27ª edição. Áreas Editora. ISBN: 9789899010048.

Gonçalves, C.; Sant’Ana Fernandes, J., Rodrigo, J.; Santos, D. (2020). Contabilidade Financeira Explicada – Manual Prático, 4ª edição. Vida Económica. ISBN: 9789897687105.

Moreira, J.A. (2023). Informação financeira – casos práticos, 2ª edição. Edições Sílabo. ISBN: 9789895612673.

Rodrigues, J. (2021). Sistema de Normalização Contabilística Explicado. 8ª edição. Porto Editora. ISBN: 978-972-0-00324-9.

Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (edição atualizada). Também disponível no site da Comissão de Normalização Contabilística: .

Material (slides e cadernos práticos) disponibilizado pelas docentes.

Material (slides and practical notebooks) prepared by the teachers.