Adapted Sports and Activities

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

T contents will be presented in expositive sessions. TP and PL sessions will be presented trough oral exposition, practical participation, demonstra-tion, observation/correction and analysis of didactic material.
The evaluation is continuous (CE) or by exam (EE).
1) Practical evaluations: (30%)
2) Laboratorial and/or field works: (60%)
3) Presential participation: (10%)
To pass, the student must have 50% in item 1 and 50% in item 2.
1) Written Test: (20%)
2) Practical evaluation: (80%)
To access practical evaluation the student must have 50% in the test.

Learning Results

1. To be able to identify the history of Handball, Adapted Handball and Beach Handball, establishing relationships between them and other Team Sports.
2. To be able to identify, distinguish and understand the symbology of Handball, Adapted Handball and Beach Handball and adopt their terminology and regulations.
3. Describe and characterise the Early and Elemental stages of Handball, identifying the usefulness of the exercises in these stages.
4. To be able to identify and characterise general pre-games and its importance in the early stages of learning and distinguish between general Pre-games and specific pre-games.
5. To know how to identify and differentiate the aims and goals of conditioned, reduced and formal game.
6. To be able to identify and describe offensive individual actions.
7. To be able to identify and characterise the base defensive position.


1. History of Handball (national and international) and general characterisation of Handball, Adapted Handball and Beach Handball.
2. Symbology and terminology in Handball, Adapted Handball and Beach Handball.
3. Characterization of Early and Elementary stages of learning.
4. Specific rules and regulations.
5. Means of teaching the game.
5.1. Pre-games.
5.2. Exercises.
5.3. Reduced, Formal and Conditioned.
6. Game components: individual offensive and defensive actions.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Practical evaluations - 30.0%
  • - Laboratory work or Field work - 60.0%
  • - Frequency - 20.0%
  • - Practical evaluation - 80.0%




1.Barcenas, D., & Roman, J. (1991). Balonmano, tecnica e metodologia. Editorial Gymnos
2.Clanton, R., & Dwight, M. (2014) Handball: success steps. Human Kinetics
3.Mesquita, I. (2004). A formação em jogos colectivos. Livros Horizonte.
4.Ribeiro, M., & Volossovitch, A. (2004). Andebol 1. O Ensino do Andebol dos 7 aos 10 anos. FMH e FAP.
5.Ribeiro, M., & Volossovitch, A. (2008). Andebol 2. O Ensino do Andebol dos 11 aos 14 anos. FMH e FAP.