Adult and Elderly Personal and Social Development

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The learning process articulates practical classes of active and interactive problem-centered methodologies, with an emphasis on critical reflection on the themes of the program. By:
– Expository Method: In order to support elementary, new and complex theoretical concepts that require an educational approach;
– Critical analysis and active discussion of scientific papers;
– Contact and handling of theoretical and practical tools that promote understanding of the themes;
– Role-playing as an interactive and collaborative teaching technique through which the student develops his/her capacity for critical reflection and self-reflection, interaction and creativity.
Evaluation consists in two tasks/moments: 1 written test (60%) each one) and 1 presentation of group work (40%).

Learning Results

1. Recognize the emergence of gerontology as a scientific field and as a field of applied science;
2. Acquire and integrate basic and necessary knowledge for an overall understanding of the human aging process;
3. Identify and analyze problems, needs and strenghs in adult and elderly development;
4. To understand old age as a time of opportunity for personal, social and family development;
5. To aknowledge and understand the developmental changes that occur specifically in adulthood and old age;
6. To design, implement and evaluate appropriate strategies in order to foster development in adulthood and old age;
7. To develop an attitude and capacity for critical reflection against stereotypes about adulthood and old age, and to foster reflexive judgement about the challenges posed by aging societies;
8. To recognize the importance of communication strategies and communication effectiveness in the professional context of the social gerontologist.


1. Gerontology: contextualization of this scientific field. Demographic trends and challenges. Human Aging: differentiation and the variability of intra-individual processes. Chronological age as a reductant criterion.
2. Ageism: manifestations and implications; main myths about aging and its implications.
3. Aging: personal and social developmental changes and respective developmental opportunities.
4. Models of aging and quality of life in old age.
5. Aging: formal and informal support systems.
6. Development in late life: challenges and opportunities. Review and integration of life. Elderly and families at end of life: Finitude and Gerotrancendência. Family Integrity.
7. The communication in the professional context of the social gerontologist: strategies for communication effectiveness. The interview: specificities of older adults, rules and techniques of conducting interviews.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Periodical evaluation
  • - Frequency - 60.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%




Binstock, R., & George, L. (2006). Handbook and aging and the social sciences. San Diego: Academic Press.
Birren, J., & Schaie, W. (2006). Handbook of psychology of aging (6th ed.). UK: Elsevier.
Bond, J., Sheila, P., Dittmann-kohli, & Westerhof, G. (2007). Ageing in society. SAGE.
Carter, B., & McGoldrick, M. (Eds.). (2005). The expanded family life cycle (2nd ed). Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon.
Kart, C., & Kinney, J. (2001). The realities of aging. An introduction to Gerontology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Paul, C. & Ribeiro, O. (2012). Manual de Gerontologia – Aspetos biocomportamentais, psicológicos e sociais do envelhecimento. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas, Lda.
Nelson, T. (2002). Ageism: Stereotyping and prejudice against older persons. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Rawson, H. (2012). An introduction to gerontology. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 31(4), 268–269. DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12004