Base Knowledge
Knowledge on general anatomy and physiology.
Teaching Methodologies
The adopted methodology is of the active-expository type, using slides, videos and scientific publications, which will be made available to students.
Learning Results
The student must acquire knowledge of:
- Detailed anatomy and histology of the Nervous and Cardiorespiratory Systems.
- Physiological mechanisms of the Nervous and Cardiorespiratory systems.
The student must acquire skills and competences in:
- Identification and description of anatomical structures according to the current anatomical terminology.
- Correlation of anatomical structures with their function.
- Anatomo-clinical correlation in the discussion of clinical cases.
- Discussion of different pathologies, including their anatomical and pathophysiological bases, as well as their clinical manifestations and laboratory findings.
Anatomy, histology and embryology of the nervous system.
Communication between the main structures of the nervous system and relationship with other systems.
Formation, repair and modification of neuronal communication in response to physiological and pathological processes.
Cognitive neuroscience: anatomical location, neurophysiological patterns of higher cognitive functions and cerebral rehabilitation mechanisms.
Anatomy and histology of the main structures of the chest.
Principles of the cardiorespiratory system: from structure to function.
Ventilation, diffusion and perfusion concepts.
Blood gas transport and acid-base balance.
Regulation of ventilation by the central nervous system.
Ventilation changes in physiological and pathological contexts.
Cardiac cycle and its intrinsic and extrinsic regulation.
Updates on cardiorespiratory physiology: adaptation to different physiological and pathological contexts.
Complementary means of diagnosis and cardiovascular pharmacogenomics.
Curricular Unit Teachers
- Hall, J. E., & Hall, M. E. (2020). Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology e-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
- Vanderah T.W., Gould D.J. (2015). Nolte’s The Human Brain: An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy (7th edition). Elsevier.
- Purves D., et al (2012). Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience (2nd edition). Sinauer.
- Squire L.R., et al. (2012) Fundamental Neuroscience (4th edition). Academic Press.
- West J.B. (2011). Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials(9th Edition). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- West J.B. (2012). Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials (8th Edition). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Zipes D., Libby P., Bonow R., Mann D., Tomaselli G. (2018). Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine (11th edition). Elsevier.
- Grippi, M. A., Elias, J. A., Fishman, J. A., Pack, A. I., Senior, R. M., & Kotloff, R. (2015). Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders (5th edition). McGraw-Hill Education.
- Relevant publications on the topic.