Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
For this UC, it is considered essential to use diversified methodologies in order to encourage debate, research on themes and problems related to bilingual materials in Sign Languages and Oral Languages. The legal framework referring to EREBAS and other regulations in force is provided. Bilingual materials that exist in LGP in the various domains will be viewed, but with particular emphasis on Portuguese L2 and LGP. The Continuous Assessment consists of a frequency carried out in sign language (20%), presentation of an autonomous work (25%), weekly exercises (50%) with presentation in ppt or video in groups of 2 students and participation in classes (5%)
Learning Results
Critically analyse bilingual materials;
Know thw curricular programs for PSL;
Know the Portuguese as a Second Language Curriculum;
Produce materials that increase literacy and Interaction using Portuguese Sign Language;
Produce Inclusive materials (PSL/PT)
1- Literacy and Interaction in Sign Language: Examples from Europe and the World
2- Bilingual Materials production: literacy, interaction and bilingualism
3- Portuguese as a Second Language for the Deaf: the national curriculum
3.1- Materials that enable learning Portuguese as a Second Language
4- Portuguese Sign Language in Portugal: inclusive material
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Frequency - 20.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 5.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 25.0%
- - Weekly Exercises - 50.0%
BAPTISTA, J (coord), Programa de Português para alunos Surdos, DGIC, 2011
CAMPELLO, A. R. S. Pedagogia Visual / Sinal na Educação dos Surdos. In: QUADROS, R.M; PERLIN. G. (Orgs.). Estudos Surdos II. Petrópolis, RJ: Arara Azul, 2007.
CAVACO,F (coord), Programa Curricular de Língua Gestual Portuguesa. Ensino Pré-Escolar e Básico, E Ensino SecundárioDGIDC, M.E, 2007
CORREIA, I, Entre Línguas se (des)constrói o texto: interferência da LGP no Português. EXEDRA, 2012, pp. 60-80.
KARNOPP, Lodenir. Língua de sinais e língua portuguesa: em busca de um diálogo. In: LODI, Ana Claudia Balieiro et. al. (orgs.). Letramento e minorias. Porto Alegre: Mediação, 2003.
QUADROS, R. M., SCHMIEDT, M. L. P. Ideias para ensinar português para alunos surdos. Brasília: MEC, SEESP, 2006.
SALLES, H. M. M. L. et al. Ensino de língua portuguesa para surdos: caminhos para a prática pedagógica. Brasília: Ministério da Educação, Secretaria de Educação Especial, 2007, vol. 2, 2ª ed.