Analysis and Sustainability Indicators

Base Knowledge

Not applied

Teaching Methodologies

The development of the theoretical component is carried out using the participatory expository method based on a variety of media (slides, short videos, oral, poster). The practical component uses case studies and application exercises. There may also be lectures by specialist speakers of a business or institutional nature, on current topics.

Learning Results

Students should acquire the following competencies:
(a) Understands the concept of sustainability in its different environmental, social and economic dimensions;

(b) Knows the basic parameters that influence sustainability in the context of agricultural production, relates them to the different agricultural practices and can explain their relevance;

(c) Knows and can apply the tools available to assess the sustainability of agriculture;

(d) Has a good command of the concept of sustainability indicator and the processes adopted for its construction;

(e) Can evaluate the sustainability of farms in a real context and propose measures aimed at the transition towards sustainability of these farms.


1. The Concept and dimensions of sustainability.

2. Environmental sustainability in agriculture: the resources (soil, water, energy and biodiversity), the means of production and emissions.

3. Social sustainability in agriculture: employment, quality of life and citizenship.

4. Economic sustainability in agriculture: the economic profitability of organic farming activities and production systems.

5. Tools for sustainability analysis. Life cycle analysis. Indicators and indexes. Methodologies for construction, selection and validation of sustainability indicators.

6. Practical aspects of increasing sustainability on a farm.

Curricular Unit Teachers




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