Base Knowledge
– Knowledge of applied mechanics and strength of materials (forces and moments, principles of equilibrium of a body, calculation of reactions, internal efforts, deformations.
– Knowledge of mathematics, including mathematical integration.
– User friendly computer skills
Teaching Methodologies
The expository and inquisitive method is used (taught in Portuguese). Students are encouraged to develop a critical spirit and to discuss the topics covered. Exercises are done in groups and individually. Students are encouraged to participate actively in class. The clarification of doubts will also be important for the development of the desired competences.
Students may, eventually, carry out practical research, either individually or in groups, to develop/improve their technical-scientific interpretation of structural problems.
Learning Results
Develop the ability to analyse structures, particularly in the determination of forces and deformations. Acquire knowledge of the behaviour of statically indeterminate structures in the linear regime.
Generic competences:
To improve communication, research and self-learning skills; to develop judgement and decision-making skills.
Specific competences:
Acquire knowledge and ability to understand the behaviour of building structures, particularly in the analysis of the response of the structure to applied actions.
Part 1
General concepts. Analysis of structures and structural problems. Relationships between the diagrams of internal efforts and deformations/displacements.
Energy methods and their importance in the assessment of structures. Applications of calculations based on energy theorems.
Energy of deformation and potential energy. Calculation of displacements. Review of integration methods. Principle of superposition of effects. Static-kinematic duality.
Part Two
Force method. Flexibility matrix. Calculation of forces and displacements in hyperstatic structures.
Displacement method. Determination of stiffness matrix and clamping forces in structures. Calculation of forces and displacements in hyperstatic structures.
Part Three
Lines of Influence. Practical Applications of Lines of Influence.
Introduction to the use of software as a tool for calculating structural forces and deformations.
Curricular Unit Teachers
1. S.T.MAU (2015) – Introdução à Análise Estrutural – Métodos dos Deslocamentos e das Forças. 1ª Edição. Editora Ciência Moderna.
2. SORIANO, Humberto Lima (2016) – Análise De Estruturas – Formulações Clássicas. Editora LF Editorial.
3. LAURSEN H.I. (2014) – Structural Analysis. 3Ed. McGraw Hill India
4. MARTHA, L. F. (2010) – Análise de estruturas -conceitos e métodos básicos. Rio deJaneiro. Elsevier.
5. LEET, K. M. (2009) – Fundamentos da análise estrutural. 3. ed. São Paulo. McGraw Hill.
6. GOUVEIA, J.P. (2007) – Mecânica Estrutural: apontamentos de apoio às aulas teóricas e práticas de Estruturas I, 06/07. DEC do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Coimbra.
7. SORIANO, H. L. (2007) – Estática das Estruturas. Método das Forças e Método dos Deslocamentos. Rio de Janeiro. Ciência Moderna.
8. GUEDES, J.M. (2002) – Método dos deslocamentos, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto
9. GAE.IST (2002) – Tabelas de Análise de Estruturas. Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa.
10. FLEMING, Jonh F. (1997) – Analysis of Structural Systems. Ed. Prentice Hall.
11. Riley WF, Sturges LD. (1996) – Engineering mechanics: statics. John Wiley & Sons.
12. Frey F. (1994) – Analyse des strucutres et millieux continus – Statique appliqué. Traité de Génie Civil de l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Vol. 1, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
13. PEREIRA, EM (1994) – Análise de Estruturas I – Linhas de Influência. Secção de Folhas da AE do Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa.
14. FREY, F. (1990) – Analyse des structures et milieux continus: Statique Appliqué. Traité de Génie Civil de l ́École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne.
15. CAMPANARI, Flavio Antonio (1985) – Teoria das Estruturas; Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Dois
16. TIMOSHENKO, S. e GERE, J. (1983) – Mecânica dos Sólidos. Volumes I e II. Livros Técnicos e Científicos
17. GHALI, A; NEVILLE A. (1979) – Structural analysis: a unified classical and matrix approach. Second Edition. Chapman and Hall. London. England
works and documents presented by teachers and students in previous years, available in Inforestudante, Moodle and in the library.