Anatomophysiology and Human Pathophysiology

Base Knowledge

Não definida.

Teaching Methodologies

Teaching is done using active learning techniques, case studies and practical work. Theoretical knowledge is conveyed in lectures and other classes centered on the Student. The themes are then explored using practical group work, the results of which are presented to colleagues.

Learning Results

1. To understand the fundamental notions of Histology, Anatomy, and Physiology that allow the description and holistically understanding of the human body;

2. To know the different types of pathologies and disorders associated with posture and movement;

3. To identify the different types of technical aids / support products that prevent / minimize pathologies / disorders associated with posture and movement.


Module 1: Human Histology and Anatomy

1. Histology: main differentiating characteristics of the various tissues.

2. Anatomy: skeletal, joint, muscular and nervous systems


Module 2: Human Physiology and Pathophysiology

3.1. Physiology of Movement

a) Skeletal muscle properties.

b) Muscle contraction. Contraction mechanisms.

c) Neuromuscular junction.

3.2. Neuro-musculoskeletal conditions.

3.3. Postural tone.

4. Pathologies and disorders associated with posture and movement.

5. Technical Aids / Support Products

6. Accessibility

Curricular Unit Teachers




Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall. (2016).Tratado de Fisiologia Médica (13ª Edição). Elsevier Ed. ISBN: 9788535262858

Pedro P. Correia, P., M. Espanha,(2010). Aparelho Locomotor. Volume 1. Anatomofisiologia dos sistemas nervoso, osteoarticular e muscular. Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. ISBN: 9789727351725

Dennis L. Kasper, Eugene Braunwald, Anthony S. Fauci, Stephen L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo, J. Larry Jameson (2016). Harrison Medicina Interna. 19ª Edição. Mcgraw-Hill. ISBN: 9788580555868

Richard L. Drake, A. Wayne Vogl e Adam W. M. Mitchell (2005) Gray’s – Anatomia para Estudantes. Elsevier Ed. ISBN: 9788535216387.

Stanley Jacob, Walter Lossow e Clarisse Francone (1990). Anatomia e Fisiologia Humana (5.ª Edição). Nova Guanabara, ISBN: 9788527714112.

Matthew Levy, Bruce Koeppen, Bruce Stanton (2005) Principles of Physiology, 4th Edition. Elsevier Ed. ISBN: 9780808923213

Medeiros, M.; Dias, M. (2007). Equoterapia, noções elementares e aspectos neurocientíficos. Revinter Ed. ISBN: 9788537201411

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